Monday, November 30, 2015

Is God In Control Of All Things?

Do things just happen?  Is it just luck, fortune, or fate?  Do things happen for no reason?  Does God just deal with the major things and not care about the small things?  Is God dependent on what human beings do?  Does he just react to the free choices made by humans?  For the answers we will turn to the Bible to see what God has revealed to us.

Small And Insignificant Things
In (Matthew 10:28-31) we are told that a sparrow does not fall to the ground apart from God and that the hairs of our heads are numbered.  The sparrow was considered to be of little value and God is even in control and concerned with it.  The hairs of our head are even numbered showing that God is concerned with even the smallest details.  God is in control of even the things we consider small and insignificant so we should have no fear.  

The Elements, The Weather
(See Job 37:9-13, Psalm 147:8, Psalm 148:8)
The rain, snow, ice, storms, and even tornadoes and hurricanes are under the sovereignty of God.  None of these things happen without God decreeing that they happen.  

Pain, Suffering, and Physical Disabilities
(Exodus 4:11) "Then the LORD said to him, Who had made man's mouth?  Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind?  Is it not I, the LORD?"  (ESV) 

This verse may be shocking to many modern evangelicals.  But it is indeed God who is sovereign over physical suffering and pain. All these things ultimately bring glory to God in some way even though we may not understand it.  (See also John 9:3)

Luck, Fortune, Chance
(Proverbs 16:33) "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD."  (ESV) 

Saying the lot is cast into the lap is basically equivalent to the rolling of the dice today.  Things like these are even under the sovereignty of God.  We would consider the roll of the dice as luck but there is no such thing as luck, or fortune, or chance.  God is in control so things do not just happen for no reason. 

People And Plans
(Proverbs 19:21) "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand." (ESV)

(Proverbs 21:1) "The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD, he turns it wherever he will." (ESV)   

God is sovereign even over people and the plan that they have.  No matter what the plans of a man are, the purpose of the LORD will prevail.  God's will cannot be thwarted by humans.  Even a king who was considered to be sovereign on earth is under the control of God.  

Good And Bad Things
(Isaiah 45:7) "I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the LORD, who does all these things." (ESV) 

(Lamentations 3:37-38) "Who has spoken and it came to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it?  Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that good and bad come?" (ESV) 

God is in absolute control of good things and even bad things.  We easily credit God with the good things that happen but we act as if God does not really have control of the bad things.  We should keep in mind that none of us deserve good from God but only his judgment because we have all rebelled against him.  Even the bad things ultimately bring glory to God.  

God's Will And Purpose
(Isaiah 46:10b) "My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose." (ESV)

(Isaiah 46:11b) "I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass, I have purposed, and I will do it." (ESV) 

God's purpose and will cannot be thwarted by anyone or anything.  God is not dependent on humans and the choices they make, he does not just react to what they have done.  God never has to resort to plan B.  All that happens is under the sovereignty of God.  

God is sovereign over all things both big and small.  Humans, nations, the elements, pain and suffering, events and history are all under his control.  Everything that happens is part of God's plan and purpose.  His sovereign will cannot be violated.  We are wrong to think that things happen for no reason.  There is no such thing as luck, or fortune, or chance, or fate.  Saying we need to let go and let God is wrong also.  Think about this statement, do humans let God do anything?  God is the one who is in control of all things at all times.  It is also wrong to say it is in God's hands now.  It has been in God's hands all along.  God is absolutely sovereign over all things, they ultimately work for the glory of God.  The world is God's theater of glory as Calvin said.   

Monday, November 16, 2015

What Are The Beliefs Of Christian Science?

Christian Science holds to pantheism, the belief that God is all and all is God.  It believes that since all is God sin, sickness, pain, and death do not really exist.  They are seen as mere illusions.  These illusions can be overcome by correct thinking.  Christian Scientists believe in mind over matter.

Christian Science holds that Jesus was a mere human who embodied the Christ idea as an adult.  They believe that other humans can achieve this Christ idea as well.  Christian Scientists believe that humans like everything else are God.  They  believe that salvation is achieved by right thinking.  A person must believe that sin, pain, sickness, and death are mere illusions.  Christian Science believes that a person creates his own hell by incorrect thinking.  They also believe that a person creates his own heaven by correct thinking.  

On the other hand Biblical Christianity teaches something entirely different.  God is separate from his creation it is not part of him.  He created out of nothing.  Humans like the rest of creation are not God.  Sin, sickness, pain, and suffering are all reality and not mere illusions.  Man sinned against God and brought about sickness, pain, suffering, and death.  

Jesus is God and has been eternally and he is also the Messiah or Christ.  Jesus is fully God and fully man.  He lived a perfect life without sin and died on the cross to save his people from their sins.  He was resurrected victorious over sin and death.  People are saved by faith alone in Christ alone.  Believers go to heaven for eternity which is a physical place.  Unbelievers go to hell for eternity which is also a physical place.  

Christian Science is a cult or false religion.  The teaching of Christian Science is not reality but an illusion itself.  It is not a livable belief system.  Christian Science is totally out of line with historic, Biblical Christianity.  

Monday, November 9, 2015

What About Seventh-day Adventists?

The Seventh-day Adventist Church was founded in the 1850's by Ellen G. White (1827-1915).  White combined the teaching of the Millerites who predicted the return of Christ would take place in 1844 and the Seventh-day Sabbatarians.  Some Christian apologists consider Seventh-day Adventists a Christian denomination with errors while others consider it a cult or false religion.  

In its official teaching the SDA affirm the authority of the Bible and the doctrine of the Trinity.  They affirm the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, he was sinless, his death on the cross, and resurrection.  But there have been some within the SDA movement who have deviated from these core beliefs.  

The Seventh-day Adventists believe that Christianity was corrupted in the early centuries by Roman Catholic popes.  They believe the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday.  SDA believe that a Remnant church has existed throughout history worshiping on Saturday.  The SDA believe that worship must be on Saturday and see it as the seal of God.  Those who worship on Sunday will receive the mark of the beast.  We might point out that the New Testament church met on the first day of the week (Sunday) because of the resurrection of Christ.  

Seventh-day Adventists also add works to salvation.  They see observance of the seventh-day sabbath as necessary for assurance of salvation.  SDA believe that in 1844 Jesus began the second phase of his atoning ministry called the "investigative judgment".  In it Jesus examines the dead to see if they are true believers and examines the living to see if they are in Christ and obeying his commandments.  SDA believe in soul sleep until the resurrection and believe that hell is not eternal but that unbelievers will be annihilated.   

Ellen G. White the founder of the Seventh-day Adventists supposedly possessed the "spirit of prophecy".  SDA believe her visions were the divine interpretation of Scripture.  White is seen as the final end time prophet. 

It seems that nearly half of Ellen G. White's writings were borrowed from other people.   Ellen G. White was a false prophet who was deceived and taught a false gospel.  SDA believe that all who worship on Sunday as the New Testament church did will receive the mark of the beast, while those in the SDA Church who worship on Saturday will be saved. Much of the Seventh-day Adventists teaching is based on an erroneous interpretation of Revelation 14:6-12.  

Based on the standard set down by the Apostle Paul in Galatians the Seventh-day Adventists teach another gospel (See Galatians 1:8-9).  They do not hold to the gospel of justification by faith alone in Christ alone.  While there may be some SDA who are true Christians it is simply not Biblical Christianity.