Monday, April 17, 2017

Four Books On Defending Christianity

Here are four good Christian apologetics books that are not highly technical or extremely difficult to read.  

Why Should I Believe Christianity?-James Anderson
The Battle Belongs To The Lord-Scott Oliphint
Expository Apologetics-Voddie Baucham
Always Ready-Greg Bahnsen

Monday, April 10, 2017

Celebrating Easter

Easter is usually celebrated with the Easter Bunny, chocolate candy, children hunting eggs and receiving gifts.  It is considered a Christian holy day but these things have nothing to do with the death and resurrection of Christ.  

Maybe we should take a step back and ask ourselves what in the world we are doing?  Could it be that our focus is all wrong?  Could we actually be trivializing a holy day? Could our celebrations be downright confusing to a watching world?  Are our celebrations focusing on Christ or is the focus actually elsewhere?  Do we honor Christ the Lord as holy or do our celebrations make him seem less important than he really is?  

Our focus should be on Jesus who is the Christ (Messiah), the only unique Son of God. We have all sinned against a holy God making us his enemy and putting us under his wrath. We all deserve to go to hell, not heaven.  But Christ came to save his people from their sins.  He became man (he was fully man and fully God) and lived a perfect life enabling him to be our perfect substitute.  His perfect righteousness is credited to all believers.  

Jesus died on the cross to pay for the sins of all believers.   He turned away God's wrath from us which we deserved because of our sin.  He was resurrected from the dead victorious over sin, death, and the devil.  His resurrection proved that his sacrifice was accepted by God the Father.  The resurrection is also proof that Jesus is the Son of God.  

Jesus is the only Savior, the only way to heaven.  One must respond to him with faith and repentance.  You must trust in Christ alone for salvation.     

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Origins Of The Universe

There are different views on the origin and nature of the universe.  Some believe it came into existence by chance through blind, unguided forces.  Some have even believed that the universe itself is eternal.  But for the truth on the matter we must turn to the Bible.  

(Genesis 1:1) "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  (ESV) 

In the verse the phrase "the heavens and the earth" refers to everything, that is everything except God himself.  So all things besides God were created.  Time, space, matter, and the entire universe were created by God.  God is eternal (Romans 16:26) he has always existed.  When the universe began God was already there.  God is self existent, he is not dependent on anything else.  

God created the world out of nothing.  This speaks to his sovereignty and power.  He is the absolute being, transcendent and personal.  God is distinct from his creation, it is wholly dependent upon him.  God alone deserves to be worshiped. 

The very existence of anything is evidence for the existence of God.  The existence of our universe requires an absolute, transcendent, personal God.  The God of the Bible is necessary to make sense of the world.  

Believing that the universe exists without an infinite, personal Creator makes no sense.  Believing that something came from nothing is absurd.  Even most of the scientific community no longer believes the universe is eternal.  

Those who deny the existence of the God of the Bible do not really do so on an intellectual basis.  God's eternal power and divine nature are clearly perceived in the creation itself (Romans 1:19-20).  They are without excuse, they simply refuse to submit to the God who is there.