Monday, October 15, 2018

Another Recommended Study Bible

In the past I have recommended The ESV Study Bible and The MacArthur Study Bible.  To this list I will add one more, The Reformation Study Bible.  

The Reformation Study Bible
-ESV Text
-General Editor, R.C. Sproul(One of the best modern theologians)
-Fine team of contributors
-Excellent study notes
-Solid theological notes
-Helpful topical articles
-Historic Creeds and Confessions

The Reformation Study Bible presents us with the teaching of the Protestant Reformation which was a recovery of Biblical Christianity.  Modern evangelicals would do well to rediscover their Reformation heritage.  

-Scripture alone
-Grace alone
-Faith alone
-Christ alone
-To the glory of God alone 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Thoughts On Kavanaugh, Accusations, And Democrats

The confirmation process and Senate hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be approved to the U.S. Supreme Court have been a political circus and a disgrace.  Christine Ford alleged that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her 36 years ago.  Judge Kavanaugh emphatically denied these allegations.  Claims of sexual assault should be taken seriously and women should never be mistreated or abused.  At the same time a man should not be destroyed by mere allegations made against him.  Even after an FBI investigation no corroborating evidence was found.  So you had only the accusation made by Ford.  

How then do we decide the right course of action?  Should it be determined by our emotions, our human reason, or our political agenda?  If we want truth and reality we should turn to the ultimate authority, God and his Word.   

(Deuteronomy 19:15) "A single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrong in connection with any offense that he has committed.  Only on the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses shall a charge be established." (ESV) 

Lest anyone think that this is just something from the Old Testament that does not apply to us today, Jesus himself reaffirmed this principle in the New Testament when speaking about church discipline (yes there is such a thing as church discipline).  

(Matthew 18:16) "But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses." (ESV) 

A person must not be convicted or disqualified by a mere allegation.  It should only be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.  If people are to be convicted or disqualified by an allegation then no one will be able to survive this standard (not even Democrat Senators).  Going by a standard like this is absurd and foolish.  The innocent must be protected, a person is innocent until proven guilty.  

Even if in some cases a guilty person goes free it is not the end of the matter.  Everyone will eventually face the judgement of God.  When it is all said and done there will be true justice, no one ultimately gets away with anything.  

Of course the real reason the Democrats opposed Judge Kavanaugh was because of their political agenda.  They opposed Kavanaugh because he was presumed to be conservative.  Liberals are horrified at the thought of abortion being made illegal.  Roe VS Wade should be overturned but it is very unlikely that it will be.  Much of what the Democrat Party promotes is a disgrace.  It is simply the party of secularism and socialism.  Democrats (and Republicans) need to repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.