Friday, November 17, 2023

The Way, The Truth, And The Life

 (John 14:6)"Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." (ESV) 

With the I am statement, Jesus is claiming to be God, referring back to Exodus 3:14.  God the Father, God the Son,  and God the Holy Spirit are co-equal and co-eternal.  Through his death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, Jesus is the way to the Father.  He is the only way to heaven, all other ways lead to hell.  

Since Jesus is God he is the source of truth.  Truth is rooted in the character and law of God.  Everything Jesus says is true, including the statement in this verse.  Jesus is the life, he gives eternal life to all who believe in him.  

Salvation is found in Christ alone.  Apart from Christ you do not have the way, you do not have the truth, and you do not have life.  By rejecting Jesus you are left with death, falsehood, and no way to heaven. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Psalm 8:5 (A Bible Translation Comparison)

 (ESV)"Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor."  

(LSB)"Yet You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You crown him with glory and majesty!" 

(CSB)"You made him little less than God and crowned him with glory and honor."  

The main difference in these translations is how they translate the Hebrew word elohim.  The term elohim can mean God, gods, or heavenly beings/angels.  The ESV and LSB are in basic agreement with heavenly beings and angels,  while the CSB translates it as God.  Psalm 8:5 is quoted by the writer of Hebrews in Hebrews 2:7.  

(Hebrews 2:7)"You made him for a little while lower than the angels; you have crowned him with glory and honor," (ESV) 

All the translations have angels in Hebrews 2:7 where Psalm 8:5 is quoted as a messianic prophecy about Jesus.  The author of Hebrews quotes Psalm 8:5 from the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament) which has angels.  

(ESV) English Standard Version

(LSB) Legacy Standard Bible

(CSB) Christian Standard Bible