Monday, May 6, 2013

Out Of The Closet, Out Of Our Minds

Recently NBA player Jason Collins has revealed that he is a homosexual.  The news media, sports media, and political leaders (including President Obama) have gone crazy in their praise and support of Collins and his homosexuality.  NBA commissioner, David Stern and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell have been in a competition to see who can praise the practice of homosexuality more. 

Collins has also claimed to be a Christian while practicing homosexuality.  NBA analyst, Chris Broussard actually spoke the truth on the politically correct ESPN.  He called homosexuality a sin and said that one could not be a Christian and a homosexual.  This was amazing because at ESPN you must tow the politically correct liberal line. 

A person cannot be homosexual and a Christian.  (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) says that those who practice homosexuality will not inherit the kingdom of God, they will go to hell.  This does not just apply to homosexuals but to all unrepentant sinners. In the passage Paul writes to the Corinthian church saying such were some of you, not still are some of you.  All true Christians have repented of their sins. 

Homosexuality is clearly wrong:  it is one of the reasons Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed(Gen. 19, Jude v.7), an abomination to God (Lev. 18:22), unrighteous and contrary to nature (Romans 1:18-32), violates God's law and is contrary to sound doctrine (1 Tim. 1:8-11).   Sex was created to take place between a man and woman who are married (Gen. 2:24). 

Living in homosexuality is nothing more than rebellion against God.  Those who practice and approve of such things are deceived.  Some have proclaimed living proudly as a homosexual great freedom.  But whoever practices sin is a slave to sin (John 8:34).  Whoever is set free by Jesus is free indeed (John 8:36).

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