Tuesday, December 31, 2013

God's Free Gift

(Romans 6:23) "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of  God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (ESV)

What we have earned and deserve because of our sin is death.  That includes both physical death and spiritual death.  Those enslaved to sin face eternal death or hell. But God offers the free gift of eternal life in his Son.  Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone.  Grace is unmerited favor, it is totally undeserved.  Faith involves trusting in someone else, that is Christ.  

All people have sinned against God (Romans 3:23) and deserve judgment, wrath, and hell. There are none righteous not even one       (Romans 3:10)  We cannot earn our salvation or our way to heaven.  We have fallen short of God's glory.  We can only receive salvation by God's grace.  God sent his Son Jesus to save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).  God draws his people to himself (John 6:44).  Those he draws respond in repentance and faith in Christ.  

Through faith in Christ we are justified, that means declared righteous (Romans 3:28). Jesus paid for the sins of his people through his death on the cross.  He was resurrected victorious over sin, death, and the devil.  His resurrection also proves that he is God.  Those who believe in Jesus receive his righteousness, while he takes their sins on himself.  

Those who become Christians pass from death to life.  They were dead to God now they have been made alive to God.  We go to heaven even though we deserved to go to hell.  We were slaves to sin now we serve God because he set us free.  The Holy Spirit brings us to Christ and then he leads us as he dwells inside of us.  Salvation is totally the work of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  The glory belongs to God alone.   

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Duck Dynasty, Secularism, And Biblical Truth

Recently Phil Robertson of the popular reality show Duck Dynasty has caused quite a stir with some comments he made in an interview with GQ Magazine.  Robertson said that homosexuality is a sin.  Secular liberals went crazy after he made the comments.  

The A&E network suspended Robertson from the show for the comments.  A&E also went on to express it's support for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders.  Apparently A&E embraces a vast array of sinful lifestyles.  Poor Phil Robertson was suspended from his own reality show.  This seems very unreal.  

Robertson made his comments in somewhat of a crude way but he spoke the truth.  He went on to quote from (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).  The passage says that those who practice homosexuality will not inherit the kingdom of God.  All those living sinful lifestyles are in rebellion against God.  Their way of life shows that they are spiritually dead.  The only hope for all sinners is to repent of their sins and to trust in Christ alone for salvation.  Jesus is the only way to heaven.  

Secularists are always praising themselves for being so tolerant.  But they are only tolerant until you disagree with them.  This of course is not tolerance at all.  The secularists who dominate our culture hate anyone who proclaims Biblical truth to them. In reality they hate Jesus because he shines light into their darkness and exposes their evil deeds.   

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

War On Christmas?

We hear a lot about the war on Christmas from traditionalists and the religious right.  It is definitely true that secularists want to rid the public square of Christianity.  In fact the culture in which we now live in the United States is already secular.  There is reason to be concerned about this because a culture based on secularism will not survive. 

But is a war on Christmas where our concerns should be?  What is usually celebrated on Christmas anyway?  In reality it is mostly characterized by Santa Claus, reindeer, lights, and receiving gifts.  Usually secular things are focused on even by professing Christians.  Maybe professing Christians are conducting their own war on Christmas. 

Is it really that meaningful if a retail store clerk tells us Merry Christmas?  Again what is probably being thought of is a secular version of Christmas.   If we get unbelievers to wish us a Merry Christmas but they stay on the road to hell, what kind of victory is really accomplished?  The ultimate need of people in our society is salvation.  They need to hear the Gospel message. 

Biblical illiteracy is a major problem in our culture and in the church.  We must truly teach the Bible in the churches and we must teach it to our culture.  That is the real hope for change in our society.  If people come to Christ and understand and believe the Bible they will celebrate Christ year round.  The culture would then develop a Biblical worldview which is the best for human flourishing. 

We must be concerned more about the eternal than the temporal.  After all this present world is passing away.  This world does matter and we should try to make it better but we have to realize the limitations of this world.  People need to be saved from God's wrath which comes about because of our sins.  Our priorities need to be sharing the Gospel and teaching the Bible.  We must deal with the heart of the problem and not just go around the edges. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Questions About The Birth Of Jesus

What year was Jesus born?  It was actually about 5 B.C.  When the calendar was calculated a few centuries later it was miscalculated by a few years. 

Which Herod ruled at this time?  It was Herod the Great who ruled the region under Roman authority from 37-4 B.C.  Herod the Great was ruthless, he not only had all the male children 2 years and under killed in Bethlehem and the surrounding region but also had members of his own family killed. 

Was the birth of Jesus on December 25?  It is actually unknown the Bible does not say when it was.  Some scholars have speculated it was actually in April but it could have been any time of the year. 

Do all four of the Gospels mention the birth of Jesus?  No, only two of them do (Matthew & Luke). 

What does the name Jesus mean?  It means "the LORD saves". 

What does Christ mean?  It is the same thing as Messiah.  Both of these mean "anointed one". 

Who is Jesus?  Immanuel which means "God with us" (Matthew 1:23). 

What did Jesus come to do?  He came to save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). 

Has Jesus always existed?  Yes, he has always existed (John 1:1).  At the birth Jesus became man in order to save people from their sins.  This is called the Incarnation by theologians.  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have always existed. 

Was Jesus born in a stable?  The Bible never says Jesus was born in a stable.  It has been thought to be a stable because of the manger.  Justin Martyr (around 150 A.D.) said it was actually a cave. 

Were there three Wise Men?  The Bible does not say how many Wise Men there were.  It mentions three gifts which gave rise to the belief that there were three Wise Men. 

Were the Wise Men there at the birth?  No, they actually came later, up to two years later. 

Does the Bible tell us to celebrate Christmas?  No, it actually does not.  It was not celebrated until a few centuries later.  The early church did not celebrate Christmas. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Recommended Study Bibles

ESV Study Bible
*Uses the excellent ESV translation
*Excellent team of conservative, evangelical scholarship
*Great study notes
*Presents different conservative views
*Numerous articles related to the Bible
*A library of Bible study helps

The MacArthur Study Bible
*Available in (ESV, NKJV, NASB)
*Excellent study notes
*Good overview of theology
*Many helpful articles
*I do disagree with Dispensationalism taught by MacArthur
*Overall John MacArthur one of today's finest Bible teachers
*Straightforward Biblical truth

Bill O'Reilly's "Killing Jesus"

"Killing Jesus" by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard is on the bestsellers list.  It is said to be a history and the authors state they are dealing only in known facts.  Though in places they do seem to speculate on things.  In the book O'Reilly does not defend the miracles or the resurrection of Jesus as true historical facts. 

They do use some good Biblical scholarship as sources.  The work of Darrell Bock and the book "Jesus Under Fire" are two examples.  Somewhat surprisingly O'Reilly and Dugard, both Catholics use the NIV an evangelical Bible translation. The book does provide some good background information especially on the Roman Empire and first century Jewish life. 

The book is generally favorable to historic Christianity.  But some of Bill O'Reilly's views on the Bible are problematic.  He believes much of it is to be interpreted as an allegory, not taken as literal.  In the book the miracles of Jesus are downplayed.  Though the resurrection is not defended as historic fact it does seem the authors believe it really happened. 

The book "Killing Jesus" is not a must read but it can be useful for the background information.  Those wanting to know the real, historic Jesus should read the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).