Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Questions About The Birth Of Jesus

What year was Jesus born?  It was actually about 5 B.C.  When the calendar was calculated a few centuries later it was miscalculated by a few years. 

Which Herod ruled at this time?  It was Herod the Great who ruled the region under Roman authority from 37-4 B.C.  Herod the Great was ruthless, he not only had all the male children 2 years and under killed in Bethlehem and the surrounding region but also had members of his own family killed. 

Was the birth of Jesus on December 25?  It is actually unknown the Bible does not say when it was.  Some scholars have speculated it was actually in April but it could have been any time of the year. 

Do all four of the Gospels mention the birth of Jesus?  No, only two of them do (Matthew & Luke). 

What does the name Jesus mean?  It means "the LORD saves". 

What does Christ mean?  It is the same thing as Messiah.  Both of these mean "anointed one". 

Who is Jesus?  Immanuel which means "God with us" (Matthew 1:23). 

What did Jesus come to do?  He came to save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). 

Has Jesus always existed?  Yes, he has always existed (John 1:1).  At the birth Jesus became man in order to save people from their sins.  This is called the Incarnation by theologians.  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have always existed. 

Was Jesus born in a stable?  The Bible never says Jesus was born in a stable.  It has been thought to be a stable because of the manger.  Justin Martyr (around 150 A.D.) said it was actually a cave. 

Were there three Wise Men?  The Bible does not say how many Wise Men there were.  It mentions three gifts which gave rise to the belief that there were three Wise Men. 

Were the Wise Men there at the birth?  No, they actually came later, up to two years later. 

Does the Bible tell us to celebrate Christmas?  No, it actually does not.  It was not celebrated until a few centuries later.  The early church did not celebrate Christmas. 

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