Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Benny Hinn, Mike Murdock, And The Prosperity Gospel

The prosperity gospel is found all over charismatic television channels.  It's focus is all about health, wealth, and fulfilling your desires.  People are told they will be blessed if they send money to the prosperity preachers.  They make it seem as if God is obligated to give blessings to people.  The prosperity preachers call it sowing the seed.  The prosperity gospel teaches that God is just there to make you happy and fulfill your dreams.  Two of the most visible prosperity preachers are Benny Hinn and Mike Murdock.  

Where do you even start with Benny Hinn?  He claims to be a faith healer.  Of course the healings he performs are not verifiable.  People whose healing could be verified are kept away.  Why don't Hinn and his fellow faith healers go to hospitals and nursing homes and heal those people?  Could it possibly be that they do not really have the gift of healing?  Those not healed or blessed after they have sent in money are said to lack faith.  At Hinn's meetings people are said to be slain in the Spirit.  But this practice is not Biblical at all.  Benny Hinn often talks about sowing the seed to receive God's blessing of health and wealth.  Hinn simply manipulates people in order to get them to send him money.  Meanwhile Hinn lives a life of luxury and indulgence.  Benny Hinn is a con artist and false teacher who takes advantage of people.  
Another popular prosperity preacher is Mike Murdock.  He is everywhere on charismatic television.  Has anyone ever seen Murdock when he was not talking about money?  He is obsessed with money and is a lover of money. Murdock constantly talks about sowing the seed.  If people send him a certain amount of money God will have to bless them.  Mike Murdock constantly manipulates people in order to get their money.  If a person just has enough faith health and wealth will be his.  Murdock simply defrauds people to enrich himself.  He even seems to be proud of his indulgent lifestyle.  Mike Murdock is an arrogant false teacher who has even questioned God's sovereignty.  

A main influence of the prosperity preachers is Oral Roberts.  He made popular the sowing of the seed teaching.  Roberts was infamous for saying God would take his life if he did not raise a certain amount of money.  Television channels like TBN and Daystar should be ashamed of themselves for promoting so many false teachers.  The prosperity gospel is a false gospel which brings disgrace on true Christianity.  The prosperity gospel focuses on the person and his desires.  While the true gospel focuses on Jesus and the cross.  Galatians 1:8 says if anyone preaches a different gospel, let him be accursed.  This should serve as a warning for Hinn, Murdock, and all prosperity preachers.   

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