Monday, November 17, 2014

A Look At Theistic Evolution

The issue of origins is foundational to all that we believe.  Since the Bible is the inerrant, Word of God it is authoritative on all issues including creation.  The Bible is not a science text book but it does speak to issues of science.  The Bible and science are not opposed to each other, if we had full knowledge and understanding we would see that they are in perfect harmony.   The book of Genesis must be read as historical narrative because that is the way it was meant to be read.  

But theistic evolutionists interpret Genesis 1-11 in a non literal or allegorical way. They would say that God used evolution in creation.  They believe we went from molecules to ape-like creatures to humans.  The Bible clearly does not teach evolution.  Evolution and Biblical Christianity cannot be reconciled.  Evolution is the theory of origins that is foundational for atheism.  It has been said that Darwin made it comfortable to be an atheist.  With theistic evolution you have death occurring before the sin of Adam.  The Bible teaches that death came about because of man's sin.  God called all that he had created very good.  If death and suffering were part of his original creation it would not have been good at all. 

The Bible also plainly teaches that Adam and Eve were actual, historical people.  Humans were made distinct from the rest of creation, being made in the image of God.  They did not evolve from lower forms of life.  The rest of the Bible views Adam and Eve as actual, historical, people.  For sin to have entered the world through Adam he must have been an actual, historical person.  In fact the gospel itself depends on it (Romans 5, 1 Corinthians 15).  Also the Bible teaches the Genesis Flood as being worldwide and global in nature.  The theistic evolutionist sees it as merely a local or regional flood.  God promised not to destroy the earth again with a flood.  There have obviously been other regional floods.  

The theistic evolutionist sees the earth as being millions of years old because it would have to be for evolution to be true.  The Bible does not teach the earth to be millions of years old but thousands of years old.  Teaching that Adam and Eve were not real people and that the Genesis Flood was local and not global are just compromise positions.  Theistic evolution is an attempt by those in the Christian community to gain respect with secularists.  They have taken their naturalistic worldview and tried to read it into the Bible.  But we must stand with the Bible and what it actually says. 


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