Monday, May 4, 2015

How Will The Supreme Court Rule On Same Sex Marriage?

The U.S. Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments for and against same sex marriage.  There will likely be 4 in favor, 3 against, and 2 others who could go either way.  It will most likely be 5-4 or 6-3 in favor of homosexual marriage being the law of the land.  I would be shocked if they ruled against it.  

So how did we get here?  In recent decades we have seen the rise of secularism and the decline of the church.  In the 1990's television began to make homosexuality appear normal especially with Ellen Degeneres.  Today homosexuality is a common thing on television.  Of course it is always presented as a good and positive thing.  

Many of the young people approve of it seeing it as perfectly normal.  Activists have succeeded in presenting it as a civil right as if the right to homosexual marriage is in the Constitution.  Of course the Constitution says nothing about the right of same sex marriage.  Activists have made a faulty argument in favor of it.  They have equated sinful behavior with a person's skin color.  This argument is absurd because the two things are not the same at all.  

So what about religious liberty?  Indiana recently enacted a law to protect the religious liberty of citizens so they would not have to violate their convictions.  But the homosexual rights crowd went crazy and forced the state to basically scrape the law. Governor Pence and the Indiana legislators quickly caved under all the pressure.  Will people eventually be fined or imprisoned for standing against homosexuality?  Will calling it a sin be classified as hate speech?  Christians could be persecuted for simply holding Biblical beliefs.  

We have become an absurd and foolish people. We have embraced everything from homosexuals to transgenders.  We have rejected and rebelled against God.  It is like our nation is under a delusional spirit. Dare I say our nation is following the devil himself?     

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