Monday, September 28, 2015

Roman Catholics, Protestants, And The Bible

With the recent visit of Pope Francis the spotlight has been on the Catholic Church.  Do Protestants and Catholics basically agree on things?  Actually they have different views of Scripture and its interpretation.  

Roman Catholics and Protestants disagree on the matter of interpreting the Bible.  Catholics believe only the Pope and bishops provide the correct and authoritative interpretation of Scripture.  Protestants believe individual believers may come to the correct interpretation of the Bible themselves with study and the leading of the Holy Spirit.  For a long time the Roman Catholic Church would not allow the Bible to be translated into the language of the people.  In effect the Roman Catholic Church kept the Bible out of the hands of the people.  

The Roman Catholic Church believes written Scripture, church tradition, and the Pope and bishops are all authoritative.  They believe the Catholic Church is the ultimate authority and the Bible gets it's authority from it.  During the Reformation of the 1500's Protestants proclaimed sola Scriptura which means Scripture alone.  Protestants view Scripture as the ultimate authority and not the Pope or church tradition.  They believe that the church gets it's authority from the Scripture.   Protestants believe the Bible is clear and sufficient as well.  

The Catholic Bible has seven more books or parts of books included in it's Old Testament.  These books are known as the Apocrypha and were included in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament done around 200 B.C.  The Apocrypha was not part of the original Hebrew Bible.  The early church did not recognize it as part of Scripture and believed that it had errors in it.  

When Jerome translated the Bible into Latin in A.D. 382 he included the Apocrypha after initially intending to leave it out.  Jerome's translation known as the Latin Vulgate became the Bible of the church up until the time of the Reformation in the 1500's.  Martin Luther and the other Reformers rejected the Apocrypha and returned to the original Hebrew Bible.  

Catholics believe the Roman Catholic Church is the ultimate authority and that Scripture as interpreted by the Pope and bishops is authoritative.  They also believe that the Pope is infallible in matters of faith and morals.  Protestants believe that Scripture alone is authoritative and that the Pope and bishops are not.  They believe that the Bible is inerrant and infallible because it is the Word of God.  

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