Monday, January 25, 2016

Donald Trump And Conservatives

Businessman and reality show star, Donald Trump is leading in most polls in the Republican primary and he gets endless media coverage.  Many conservatives including the Tea Party and evangelicals are supporting him.  After all Trump will take care of America's enemies, fix the economy, stop illegal immigration, and make America great again.  Some people have even compared Donald Trump to Ronald Reagan.  

In reality Donald Trump is no conservative.  He is actually a populist and a statist.   Even many prominent conservatives have come out against Trump.  He supports government run health care, opposes entitlement reform, and will increase taxes and regulations.  Trump has even donated money to people like Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi.  Trump says he was just playing the political game.   It sounds like Trump was buying favoritism for himself.  It seems Trump is actually part of the broken political system he rails against.  Trump is the problem, not the solution.  

Donald Trump seems to have little regard for the Constitution (Does this remind you of anyone else?).  He promises to do all kinds of things regardless of whether they are constitutional or not.  Conservatives have been outraged over Barack Obama bypassing Congress with executive orders.  Yet they embrace Trump when he promises to do the same sort of thing.  No constitutional, conservative can support Donald Trump.  

The comparison of Donald Trump to Ronald Reagan is absurd.  Look at Reagan in the 1960's and 1970's and then look at Trump over the last couple of decades.  Reagan was conservative and Trump is liberal.  The comparison of Trump to Reagan shows great disrespect to the legacy of Ronald Reagan.  Donald Trump you are no Ronald Reagan!  

Many in the Tea Party are supporting Donald Trump.  Tea Party favorite, Sarah Palin has endorsed Trump.  You have one celebrity endorsing another celebrity.  Palin saw an opportunity and hopped aboard the Trump train.  The Tea Party has opposed political authoritarianism yet many of it's members have embraced the authoritarian, Donald Trump.  They vehemently opposed Obamacare, yet they support Trump who favors a single payer healthcare system.   The Tea Party talks of it's love for the liberty and limited government promoted by the Founding Fathers.  Yet it seems ready to bring in the reign of King Donald.  Trump is not a conservative and is definitely not a libertarian.  Much of the Tea Party has sold out.  

Donald Trump also has support from many evangelicals.  Recently at Liberty University, Trump read from Two Corinthians. "The Donald" continues to demonstrate his ignorance of all things Biblical.  Previously Trump has admitted that he has never asked for forgiveness, could not name a favorite Bible verse, and expressed his great admiration for Norman Vincent Peale (a liberal clergyman).  Never mind his support of abortion (including partial birth abortion) and homosexuality.  Never mind that he operates casinos.  Never mind that he is arrogant, self centered, and profane.  Evangelicals supporting Trump are simply divorced from reality.  

Donald Trump also has no foreign policy experience.  He has little knowledge in this area and has said that he gets his information from Sunday talk shows.  Does anybody think that operating casinos qualifies one to be Commander-In-Chief?  

Trump is full of empty promises.  Does anyone really think that he will build a wall on the Mexican border and have the Mexicans pay for it?  Donald Trump is nothing more than a populist, demagogue who stirs up trouble and tells people what they want to hear.  

Conservatives supporting Donald Trump have abandoned their principles.  One wonders if these people ever held to a conservative political philosophy to begin with.  How could they support a liberal, populist, statist?  Support for Trump is based on emotion and not on reason.  Trump recently remarked that he could shoot someone and would not lose a vote.  The scary thing is that this statement may actually be true.  No constitutional, conservative can support Donald Trump.  Conservatives, wake up!  

Monday, January 11, 2016

Democrats And Socialists

What is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist?  Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton and DNC Chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz both struggled to answer the question.  The reason neither could come up with an answer is that there is no difference between a Democrat and a Socialist.  Hillary Clinton characterized herself as a progressive.  What is a progressive? A progressive is a socialist.  

The modern Democrat Party has become purely socialistic.  It has really been on that track for the past century.  Prominent Democrat leaders who led the way to socialism include Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Barack Obama.  Democrats have constantly increased the size of government.  It has become more and more involved in every area of life.  Modern liberalism follows the teachings of Karl Marx.  

The Democrats push higher taxes, more government spending, and more regulation.  They seem to want government in control of every area of life.  They think government elites can micromanage all things because they are superior and know more than the rest of us.  Democrats believe that all money belongs to the government, not to the people who earn it.  It is there for the government to redistribute as it sees fit.  

Socialism has never worked and never will.  Government cannot do all things, in fact it has no business being involved in most of the things it does.  The government should defend the country, protect citizens, maintain order, promote justice, and restrain evil.  Government should do the things it is meant to do and then leave us alone.  

Monday, January 4, 2016

Star Wars, The Force, And Christianity

With the release of a new film Star Wars has reemerged with great popularity.  The Star Wars films have generally been family-friendly containing little profanity and immorality.  Some Christians have even compared "the force" in Star Wars to the Holy Spirit.  But is this an accurate or wise comparison?

Actually the concept of "the force" has much more in common with Eastern or New Age religion than it does with Christianity.  The "force" in Star Wars is an impersonal force that can be tapped into to be used for good or evil.  Power is achieved by a blend of discipline and mysticism.  

On the other hand the Holy Spirit is a person with intellect, will, and emotions.  The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  The Trinity is one God in three distinct persons.  The Holy Spirit is equally God with the Father and Son, he has all the attributes of God.  The Holy Spirit is only good and not evil.  The Holy Spirit is sovereign, leads people to the truth, and convicts them of sin.   All true Christians have the Holy Spirit, he is our teacher and the Bible is his textbook.  

So comparing the Holy Spirit to "the force" is just plain wrong.  They are not the same and are in fact very different.  Star Wars does depict good and evil and good is portrayed favorably while evil is portrayed unfavorably.  In modern Hollywood this is often not the case.  Christians need to be discerning when they watch a film like Star Wars.  They need to develop a Christian worldview so they will be able to tell if something is in line with Biblical teaching or not.