Monday, January 11, 2016

Democrats And Socialists

What is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist?  Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton and DNC Chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz both struggled to answer the question.  The reason neither could come up with an answer is that there is no difference between a Democrat and a Socialist.  Hillary Clinton characterized herself as a progressive.  What is a progressive? A progressive is a socialist.  

The modern Democrat Party has become purely socialistic.  It has really been on that track for the past century.  Prominent Democrat leaders who led the way to socialism include Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Barack Obama.  Democrats have constantly increased the size of government.  It has become more and more involved in every area of life.  Modern liberalism follows the teachings of Karl Marx.  

The Democrats push higher taxes, more government spending, and more regulation.  They seem to want government in control of every area of life.  They think government elites can micromanage all things because they are superior and know more than the rest of us.  Democrats believe that all money belongs to the government, not to the people who earn it.  It is there for the government to redistribute as it sees fit.  

Socialism has never worked and never will.  Government cannot do all things, in fact it has no business being involved in most of the things it does.  The government should defend the country, protect citizens, maintain order, promote justice, and restrain evil.  Government should do the things it is meant to do and then leave us alone.  

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