Monday, February 15, 2016

Trump, Obama, And The Political Problem

So what is the real problem in American politics?  Some believe the government is not doing enough, there is just too much gridlock.  Some believe the government is just being run by the wrong people.  Still others think the wrong political ideology is prevailing.  

Many Republicans think the problem with Barack Obama is that he lacks experience and simply does not know what he is doing.  But this is not the case, President Obama knows exactly what he is doing.  He is transforming America along his Leftist/Marxist worldview. The problem with Obama is not that he is incompetent but that he is implementing the wrong political ideology.  

Meanwhile many supporters of Donald Trump think that we just have the wrong people running the government.  The people in charge are just a bunch of losers, instead we need a winner like "The Donald".  We just need Trump to manage the bureaucracy.  The Trump followers want him to use the levers of government to get what they want.  Supporters of Trump are not ideological conservatives.  No committed ideological conservative would support Trump.  Of course Donald Trump is not conservative, he seems to have no solid political principles.  Though he is generally secular and progressive or statist in his political views.  

The real problem we face in the political realm is the socialist/progressive agenda that has dominated our political sphere over the last century.  From Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal" to Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" to "Obamacare", the march toward socialism has continued.  Government has continued to get bigger, gaining more power and becoming more intrusive.  From retirement to healthcare to welfare to education to the economy, government has gotten involved in all kinds of things it should not be involved in.  We have adopted the government as god philosophy. 

The solution to our political problem is a radical reversal in our guiding political ideology.  We need to adopt a constitutional conservative political philosophy.  We need a return to small, limited government.  We must stop looking to the government to solve all of our problems.  We must stop worshiping the government because it is not God.  

Unfortunately most people do not really think about things they just feel and adopt what sounds good.  Their decisions are based purely on emotion.  Obama was not our savior and Trump will not be our savior.  Those looking for a savior need to look beyond the political realm to Jesus Christ, the only savior.  


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