Monday, April 18, 2016

Mormon Beliefs About God

Mormonism has become more and more mainstream in modern America.  The Mormons themselves claim to be Christians.  Some evangelicals have joined with them and accepted them as orthodox.  But are Mormons really Christians?  Does their view of God match with that of Biblical Christianity?  

First of all Mormons hold to polytheism (belief in many gods).  They believe the Trinity is composed of three different gods and not one God in three persons as the Bible teaches.  They believe that two of the three persons of the Trinity have physical bodies. Mormons believe there are more than just these three gods, they believe in thousands of gods. The Bible teaches there is one God in three persons and we are only to worship the one true God (Exodus 20:3).  

The Mormons believe that God the Father was once a man and has now attained godhood.  They believe he has a physical body and a wife.  But the Bible teaches that God is a spirit (John 4:24).  It teaches that God has always been God, he has eternally existed.  God the Father was never a man and he has no wife.  

Mormons believe that Jesus was the first spirit child born to God the Father and his wife.  Jesus progressed to becoming God in the spirit world.  They believe he was physically conceived by Mary through a physical union with God the Father.  The Bible teaches that Jesus has always existed and has always been God.  In the Incarnation 
Jesus was conceived in Mary through a miracle of the Holy Spirit.  

The Latter Day Saints believe that Mormon men can become gods.  This sounds a lot like the lie the devil told Adam and Eve at the fall of mankind (Genesis 3:4).  The Bible teaches that men are not gods and cannot become gods. The desire to be a god is sinful.  Humans are creatures created by God their Creator and are meant to worship him alone.  

In reality Mormonism is full of idolatry and errors teaching people to worship false gods. Mormonism is not Biblical Christianity, it is a Christian heresy and false religion.      

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