Monday, May 16, 2016

Transgenderism And Modern Society

The secular left is now pushing the acceptance of transgenderism after having succeeded with normalizing homosexuality.  President Barack Obama has issued an order for public schools to allow transgenders to use which ever restroom or locker room they choose.  Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have both expressed their support for transgenderism.  There has been great outrage over a North Carolina law mandating that men use the men's restroom and that women use the women's restroom.  ESPN, the liberal politically correct sports network even fired Curt Schilling for speaking out against transgenderism.  

Transgenderism has been framed as a civil rights issue.  And of course anyone who opposes civil rights is a bigot.  Transgenderism was once condemned but is now accepted.  And if you oppose it you will be condemned.  It seems that the whole world is upside down.  Woe to those who call evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20).  

Transgenderism is an abomination to God (Deuteronomy 22:5).  God created them male and female (Genesis 1:27).  The issue is who determines who you are.  Is your identity determined by you or by God?  The reality is that God creates you as a man or a woman and that is who you are.  Transgenderism is a sin, it is simply rebellion against God.  

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