Monday, August 22, 2016

Love And The Ten Commandments

In modern America love is often defined by emotionalism and tolerance.  It involves tolerating whatever anyone does including sinful acts.  Of course love is most certainly never negative.  It is love with no content, we do not know what love really is.  The place to find the content for love is the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20).  We may not think of the Ten Commandments in this way but they do actually show us real love.  

If we love God we will have no other gods before him.  We will have no other gods in his presence, of course all other gods are false.  God is basically telling us to get those false gods out of my face.  We must worship the one, true God.  If we love God we will not make a carved image or false idol.  God is spirit, he has no physical form.  We must worship God in the proper way.  

If we love God we will not take his name in vain.  Taking his name in vain shows hatred of God.  Taking his name in vain includes using his name for a false oath, in an empty or casual way, or as a curse word.  What about observing the Sabbath Day?  It is no longer the same under the New Covenant.  Under the Old Covenant it was on Saturday.  Christians observe the Lords' Day which is on Sunday because the resurrection was on Sunday.  If we love God we will worship him on the Lord's Day.  

A person with true love will honor his parents.  He will obey them and show them the proper respect.  He will also take care of them when they are in need.  If you love your neighbor you will not murder him.  This would include things like abortion and euthanasia. These things are hateful acts.  In fact just hating someone violates the commandment prohibiting murder.  

If you love your neighbor you will not commit adultery with his wife.  Looking with lustful intent is also considered adultery.  If you love your neighbor you will not steal from him.  You will respect his property and possessions.  

If you love your neighbor you will not bear false witness against him.  Love is associated with the truth, lying shows hatred.  If you love your neighbor you will not covet his things.  In fact coveting often leads to murder, adultery, stealing, lying, and worshiping a false idol.  

The Ten Commandments show us the true content of love.  Sinful acts are never loving.  True love worships and obeys the one, true God and desires what is right for ones neighbor.  The ultimate goal of true love is always to glorify God.   

Monday, August 8, 2016

To Die Is Gain

To die is gain?  This sounds like a strange statement.  But for the Christian to die actually is gain because he will go to heaven where there is no more sorrow or pain.  To die is not gain for everyone though.  Those apart from Christ will face God's wrath for eternity in hell.  

(Philippians 1:21) "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."  (ESV)

The Apostle Paul wrote these words in his letter to the Philippians.  He probably wrote the letter from Rome while in prison around A.D. 62.  Paul constantly faced persecution and death was always a possibility.  Paul's ultimate concern was to honor Christ in life or death.  He desired to depart and be with Christ but remaining here was more necessary to accomplish fruitful labor.  For Paul to live is to serve Christ and death is gain because he will leave his sufferings and troubles to be with Christ.  Paul lived several more years after writing this letter, dying around A.D. 67.  

Many modern Christians foolishly cling to this world and life when we should long for heaven.  We think we will lose something or lack something when go to heaven.  Heaven will not lack anything and it will not be loss but gain.  There will be no more troubles, suffering or pain.  We will finally live life to the full.  To be with Christ is far better.  Christians should not fear death.  

We must point out that death is not a good thing.  We should not long to die, but we should long to go to heaven.  Death is not normal but abnormal, it is not natural but unnatural.  Death was not part of the original creation but entered the world because of sin.  We are now under the sin curse.  But Christ through his life, death, and resurrection has defeated sin and death.  

Because of sin we all face the wrath of a holy God and are on the road to hell.  Salvation is found in Christ alone, there is nothing we can do to earn it.  You must believe that Jesus is the Christ or Messiah and the Son of the living God.  You must repent of your sins and place your faith in Christ alone.  Jesus is the only way to heaven.