Monday, August 8, 2016

To Die Is Gain

To die is gain?  This sounds like a strange statement.  But for the Christian to die actually is gain because he will go to heaven where there is no more sorrow or pain.  To die is not gain for everyone though.  Those apart from Christ will face God's wrath for eternity in hell.  

(Philippians 1:21) "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."  (ESV)

The Apostle Paul wrote these words in his letter to the Philippians.  He probably wrote the letter from Rome while in prison around A.D. 62.  Paul constantly faced persecution and death was always a possibility.  Paul's ultimate concern was to honor Christ in life or death.  He desired to depart and be with Christ but remaining here was more necessary to accomplish fruitful labor.  For Paul to live is to serve Christ and death is gain because he will leave his sufferings and troubles to be with Christ.  Paul lived several more years after writing this letter, dying around A.D. 67.  

Many modern Christians foolishly cling to this world and life when we should long for heaven.  We think we will lose something or lack something when go to heaven.  Heaven will not lack anything and it will not be loss but gain.  There will be no more troubles, suffering or pain.  We will finally live life to the full.  To be with Christ is far better.  Christians should not fear death.  

We must point out that death is not a good thing.  We should not long to die, but we should long to go to heaven.  Death is not normal but abnormal, it is not natural but unnatural.  Death was not part of the original creation but entered the world because of sin.  We are now under the sin curse.  But Christ through his life, death, and resurrection has defeated sin and death.  

Because of sin we all face the wrath of a holy God and are on the road to hell.  Salvation is found in Christ alone, there is nothing we can do to earn it.  You must believe that Jesus is the Christ or Messiah and the Son of the living God.  You must repent of your sins and place your faith in Christ alone.  Jesus is the only way to heaven.  

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