Monday, October 31, 2016

Trump VS Clinton

The two major parties have given us Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  In other words pick your poison.  This is indeed an historic election, that is an historically bad election.  This may be the worst choice in American history.  

Apologists for Trump and Clinton have twisted themselves into pretzels trying to defend these two.  We must concede that it is very difficult to defend the indefensible.  Those defending Trump and Clinton have greatly damaged their credibility.  

Republicans once decried the immorality of Bill Clinton.  Now they embrace a man with the same morals as Bill Clinton.  This is total hypocrisy.  Not to be outdone the Democrats have employed the same total hypocrisy in reverse.  

Trump has no real political philosophy.  On the issues he has been all over the place, basically making it up as he has gone along. Trump is not a conservative, even supporters like Rush Limbaugh admit this.  Trump is basically a populist telling people what they want to hear.  On the other hand Hillary Clinton is a liberal or progressive who is wrong on almost every issue.  Her policy positions are indeed frightening.   Trump's association with Breitbart and the Alt Right is troubling.  Hillary's association with the Left and all it's various groups is also very troubling.  

Donald Trump is an arrogant egomaniac who is unqualified to be president.  Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy, corrupt, and involved in scandal after scandal.  She too is unfit to be president.   In normal, sane times both of these candidates would be disqualified from consideration as president.  But we do not live in normal, sane times.  

In the media FOX News promotes Donald Trump. In fact Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs have been part of the Trump campaign since the primaries.  The mainstream media supports Hillary Clinton and has an extreme bias against Donald Trump.  Many of them have been part of the Clinton campaign all along.  The media has been shameful during this presidential campaign.  

I cannot in good conscience vote for either one of these candidates.  Many make the lesser of two evils argument.  But if you vote for the lesser of two evils you are still voting for evil.  It is said that a vote for a third party or independent is a wasted vote.  In reality those voting for unworthy candidates like Clinton and Trump are wasting their vote.  

Finally those expecting to be saved by a politician are going to be disappointed.  No politician can save you and placing your hope in a man (or woman) is foolish.  America's problems go much deeper than the political level.   

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