Monday, January 23, 2017

A Look At The ESV Bible

Since the Bible is the Word of God it is very important to have a good translation.  The English Standard Version (ESV) is just that.  It is an essentially literal translation that seeks to provide transparency to the original text.  

Work on the ESV began in the 1990's.  The translators used the RSV 1971 text as their starting point.  They made some corrections to the RSV and updated its language.  The ESV was published by Crossway in 2001 with minor updates occurring in 2007, 2011, and 2016.  

The ESV is traditional yet contemporary.  It is accurate and readable.  It stands in the great tradition of English Bibles.  It is not a totally new translation from scratch but one that builds on the tradition of past translations such as the KJV.  

The ESV is not politically correct like some modern translations.  It seeks to present the Word of God as it actually is in the original text.  The ESV is a word for word translation and not a thought for thought translation.  A literal translation like the ESV is less affected by the culture and the bias of the translators than a thought for thought translation. 

The ESV is now considered to be the third most popular translation behind only the KJV and the NIV.  The ESV is especially popular among Reformed evangelicals.  Recently Gideon's International has started using the ESV.  I believe the ESV is the best Bible translation, combining accuracy and readability.  


Monday, January 16, 2017

Oh What An Evolutionist Believes

The Darwinian Evolutionist Believes
(1) Personal beings come from the impersonal
(2) The rational comes from the irrational
(3) Design and order arose without an intelligent designer
(4) Life comes from non life
(5) Something comes from nothing

But of course the evolutionists are considered the intellectual heavyweights while those who believe in the Biblical account of creation are considered foolish.  The debate is usually framed as science versus religion, but this is incorrect.  Were there any scientists around to observe the beginning of the world?  It is really a battle of worldviews, naturalism versus Christianity.  Each side starts with certain assumptions and then interprets the evidence. 

Darwinian evolution is not so much science as it is philosophy.  It is really part of the naturalistic worldview.  Naturalism assumes that this world is all there is.  They believe there is no God, no miracles, and no spiritual world.  It sees the universe  as merely materialistic.  Evolution is simply there to try to explain the world without God.  After all Darwin made it comfortable to be an atheist.  

Darwinian evolution is not the objective science it pretends to be.  It is part of the naturalistic worldview that does not hold up. Only the Christian worldview makes sense of your world.  Only in the Christian worldview are intelligibility, rationality, and even science possible.  

Evolutionists simply suppress the truth.  They know God exists but refuse to honor him as God.  They have exchanged the truth about God for a lie.  Their thinking has become futile and their hearts darkened.  Claiming to be wise, they have become fools (See Romans 1:18-32).  

(Psalm 14:1) "The fool says in his heart, There is no God." (ESV)  

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Libertarian Argument Against Same Sex Marriage

Most libertarians are in favor of same sex marriage.  But are they really holding to a libertarian position?  If the heart of libertarianism is limited government then I propose that they are not.   

Any true libertarian supports a small government that stays within its bounds.  In the case of same sex marriage this has not happened.  The federal government has redefined marriage when it has no authority to do so.  Marriage and its very definition exist outside of the sphere of the government.  

Marriage is defined by our Creator and when the government redefines marriage it is trying to usurp the authority of God.  After stepping outside of its legitimate roll, the government then forces all individuals to accept same sex marriage.  This violates our individual rights, freedom of conscience, and religious liberty.  

No libertarian should support the government claiming authority for itself that it does not have and forcing its will on people, thereby violating our personal freedom.  Some libertarians do support the government not being involved in marriage at all.  This is a true libertarian position but it is unlikely to happen though.  

I support the basic libertarian political philosophy of small government, personal freedom, and individual responsibility.  Unfortunately an element of libertarianism devolves into libertinism supporting immoral and absurd things like same sex marriage.  Libertarianism needs a Christian worldview as its foundation.  Only the Christian worldview provides a basis for reason and ultimate knowledge.  With a Christian worldview small government and liberty could become a reality.