Monday, January 16, 2017

Oh What An Evolutionist Believes

The Darwinian Evolutionist Believes
(1) Personal beings come from the impersonal
(2) The rational comes from the irrational
(3) Design and order arose without an intelligent designer
(4) Life comes from non life
(5) Something comes from nothing

But of course the evolutionists are considered the intellectual heavyweights while those who believe in the Biblical account of creation are considered foolish.  The debate is usually framed as science versus religion, but this is incorrect.  Were there any scientists around to observe the beginning of the world?  It is really a battle of worldviews, naturalism versus Christianity.  Each side starts with certain assumptions and then interprets the evidence. 

Darwinian evolution is not so much science as it is philosophy.  It is really part of the naturalistic worldview.  Naturalism assumes that this world is all there is.  They believe there is no God, no miracles, and no spiritual world.  It sees the universe  as merely materialistic.  Evolution is simply there to try to explain the world without God.  After all Darwin made it comfortable to be an atheist.  

Darwinian evolution is not the objective science it pretends to be.  It is part of the naturalistic worldview that does not hold up. Only the Christian worldview makes sense of your world.  Only in the Christian worldview are intelligibility, rationality, and even science possible.  

Evolutionists simply suppress the truth.  They know God exists but refuse to honor him as God.  They have exchanged the truth about God for a lie.  Their thinking has become futile and their hearts darkened.  Claiming to be wise, they have become fools (See Romans 1:18-32).  

(Psalm 14:1) "The fool says in his heart, There is no God." (ESV)  

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