Monday, June 12, 2017

Bernie Sanders Attacks Christians

Bernie Sanders is a U.S. Senator from Vermont and of course was a Democrat presidential candidate.  The intolerance of this tolerant man was astounding.  

The incident occurred recently in a hearing for Russell Vought, who was nominated for Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget.  Bernie Sanders called Vought  Islamophobic and hateful for comments he had previously made.   Vought had pointed out that Muslims do not know the true God and stand condemned because they reject Jesus who is the Son of God.  Sanders then asked Vought if he thought his statement was Islamophobic and if he believed Muslims would be condemned.  Sanders also asked him if he thought Jews would be condemned.  Russell Vought tried to explain to Sanders that these were simply Christian beliefs, the teaching of the Bible.  But Bernie Sanders would never allow him to finish his explanation, continually cutting him off.  

Sanders concluded that Vought was unfit for public office and that there was no place for these beliefs  in the public square.  Bernie Sanders apparently believes that no Bible believing Christian should be allowed in the public arena.  

Sanders is of course a socialist and a secularist.   If you do not tow the secular line you will be silenced.  All religions are not the same and they do not worship the same God.  Jesus is either God or he is not God.  It has to be one or the other.  Of course Sanders does not care about the Bible or the U.S. Constitution for that matter, he rejects both of them.  He imposes a religious test for government officials and is more than willing to stifle religious liberty.  Bernie Sanders is actually practicing Christophobia.  

Sanders colleague Senator Christoper Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland also chimed in on the matter.  Van Hollen said he was a Christian and that he thought part of being a Christian was recognizing that there were many paths to God.  Van Hollen also concluded that Vought was unfit for public office.  Of course Van Hollen holds to theological liberalism.  

Theological liberals embrace secularism while trying to retain the Christian label.  As J. Gresham Machen said, liberalism is not Christianity at all.  If there were many paths to God, Christianity would make no sense.  If there are many ways to heaven then Christ died on the cross for no purpose.  

This is the view of two prominent Democrat leaders.  Technically Sanders is an Independent but for all practical purposes he is a Democrat.  The Left is only tolerant of those with whom it agrees.  Sanders actually had significant support during his presidential campaign especially among millennials. This is very frightening.  Why would any Christian support the Democrat Party?  

(John 14:6) "Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  (ESV) 

(Acts 4:12) "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."  (ESV)

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