Monday, January 15, 2018

When Christians Disagree

How should we react when professing Christians disagree on an issue?  Should we consider each other fellow Christians?  Should we worship separately?  Or is it an issue that is really not that significant?  Placing the issues into three different categories can be helpful.  

Tier 1
Disagreements on issues in this category will require that we not worship together.  Also disagreements on issues in this category will not allow us to consider those who disagree to be fellow Christians.  An example of a Tier 1 issue is the deity of Christ.  If one does not believe that Jesus is the only, unique Son of God he cannot be considered a true Christian.  Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses cannot be viewed as fellow Christians.  

Tier 2
Disagreements on issues in this category may require that we worship separately but we can still consider each other fellow Christians. An example of a Tier 2 issue is baptism.  Some hold to infant baptism and others hold to believers baptism.  Baptists and Presbyterians may worship at different churches but they can still consider each other fellow Christians.  

Tier 3
Disagreements on issues in this category do not require us to worship separately.  Also we can consider each other fellow Christians. An example of a Tier 3 issue is whether one holds to a pretribulation rapture or not.  Disagreements over details of the end times does not require us to worship separately and we can most definitely consider each other fellow Christians.  

I must thank Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for this basic layout.   

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