Monday, March 5, 2018

What Is A Worldview?

Everyone has a worldview whether they realize it or not.  Our worldview comes from how we answer the most important questions in life.  A worldview is composed of three basic elements.  They are metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics.  This is not as hard to understand as it may seem.  We must learn to think in terms of worldview, and of course having the right one is of the utmost importance. 

First of all metaphysics or ontology deals with ultimate reality, our view of God, and the nature of man.  Epistemology deals with knowledge, that is how do we know what we know.  Ethics deals with morality, what is right and wrong, what is good or evil.  How we answer these basic questions then determines our worldview.  Our worldview shapes our life and thought.  We interpret all our experiences through our worldview.  

Christians must learn to think in terms of worldview instead of just in bits and pieces. We must see Christianity as an entire thought and life system that gives us true answers and reality.  People reject Christianity and hold different views on issues because they have a non Christian worldview.  They operate on different assumptions that they have made regarding ultimate reality, knowledge, and ethics.  

The Christian worldview is the only worldview that provides the necessary preconditions for intelligibility.  In other words only the Christian worldview makes sense of your world.  All other worldviews ultimately collapse because they do not fit reality.  They cannot be lived out consistently.  Christians need not fear those holding other worldviews because all non Christian worldviews are false and the Christian worldview is true.   

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