Monday, June 3, 2019

North Korea And Christianity

The people in North Korea are under a false religious system known as Juche.  This system was developed by Kim Il Sung who is the grandfather of Kim Jong Un.  In Juche the North Korean people are required to worship Kim Il Sung and his family.  

Kim Il Sung sought to rid North Korea of Christianity by putting Christians in prison and getting rid of Bibles.  He then replaced it with the false religion known as Juche.  The "trinity" in Juche is Kim Il Sung, his wife, and son.  Since 1948 North Koreans have been forced to worship these false gods.  In fact all North Koreans must hang a picture of Kim Il Sung in their home.  

Today Kim Jong Un is basically seen as a god. Of course he is a false god.  Christianity is a great threat to the Kim family and the Juche religion.  This is why the North Korean regime is so hostile to Christianity.  They do not want the North Korean people to hear the truth of the gospel.  North Korean leaders refer to Christian evangelists as "spies seeking to recruit other spies."  

The only hope for the people of North Korea (and all people everywhere) is Jesus who is the Christ, the Son of God.  They need to turn away from their false gods and turn to the one true God.  

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