Monday, October 28, 2019

American Secularism, LGBTQ, And Christianity

Secularism is the non-religion, religion.  Secularists believe either that God does not exist or that a god exists but is basically irrelevant.  Recent polls show that 25% of Americans now identify as "nones" having no religious affiliation.  While 65% of Americans still identify themselves as Christians.  It should be obvious that 65% of Americans are not really Christians.  Many of those who profess to be Christians think and live as though God does not exist.  Secularism is especially prevalent among Millennials and Generation Z. Secularists think they are advancing the cause of humanity but are actually leading to the destruction of the nation.

We can see the advance of secularism particularly in the area of marriage and sexuality.  Homosexuality, transgenderism, and living together are now seen as normal.  A Biblical view of marriage and sexuality is now seen as abnormal and out of touch.  Secularists think they are advancing sexual liberty but are really leading people into the bondage of sin.  

The LGBTQ agenda is promoted in areas such as government, business, and the entertainment industry.  Of course the government redefined marriage to include people of the same sex.  The Democrat Party fully embraces the LGBTQ agenda while many in the Republican Party also give their approval.  Many businesses now promote LGBTQ in the name of diversity and inclusion but ironically never promote Christian beliefs.  Of course the entertainment industry is thoroughly secular, leading the way in promoting the LGBTQ agenda and other sinful lifestyles.  

Of course Christianity stands in the way of the advance of secularism with it's claims of absolute truth and moral absolutes.  God is the ultimate authority so right and wrong are determined by him.  This is why secularists have sought to undermine the authority of the Bible, the church, and the family.  Secularism denies the existence of absolute truth.  Of course this is contradictory because when you say there is no absolute truth you make a statement of absolute truth. So secularism actually ends up refuting itself.  

The great virtue in secularism is tolerance and secularists are tolerant until you disagree with them.  One only needs to oppose the LGBTQ agenda to see great intolerance by secularists.  Many secularists are totalitarians who will gladly enforce their agenda on you.  

Christians need to look at America more as a mission field than a battlefield.  The ultimate issues are spiritual and not political.  The problems go much deeper than the political level.  They go to the level of the worldview held by a person.  The foundational beliefs a person holds determine the way he views everything else.  Christians need not fear because truth and reality are on their side.  Secularists cannot escape the fact that they are made in the image of God and must live in God's world.   

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