Monday, November 9, 2020

A Bible Verse That Refutes Islam And Judaism

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all monotheistic religions, that is they all believe in one transcendent God.  Many people believe that all three religions worship the same God, but this is wrong.  

(1 John 2:23) "No one who denies the Son has the Father.  Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also."  (ESV) 

Islam rejects the very notion that God could have a son.  It is considered to be blasphemy by Muslims.  In Islam Allah is not a father.  Muslims consider Jesus to be a prophet but not the Son of God or Messiah.  The Qur'an seems to be confused about the Christian doctrine of the Trinity referring to it as God, Jesus, and Mary.  One wonders how Allah could get this wrong.  

Judaism also does not believe Jesus is the Messiah or Son of God.  They believe Christians are worshiping more than one God.  Unfortunately many Jewish people believe Christianity is not a Jewish thing, thinking instead that Judaism must be their religion.  Orthodox Judaism expects a messiah who is not divine.  Judaism worships the same God as Christianity in name only.  

Since Islam and Judaism deny the Son they do not have the Father.  They do not truly know or worship God.  The correct doctrine of God is trinitarian monotheism.  There is one God in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  There are three persons of one essence.  All three members of the Trinity are co-equal, co-eternal, and equally divine.  In order to be right with God and get to heaven one must confess Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God. Islam and Judaism are false religions that lead people to hell.  


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