Friday, July 9, 2021

Parts Of God?

 In recent days we have seen the Trinity defined as one God comprised of three co-equal parts.  At best this is sloppy theology, at worst this is heresy.  

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not parts of God.  The Father is not 1/3 God, the Son is not 1/3 God, and the Spirit is not 1/3 God.  The members of the Trinity are persons, not parts.  There is one God in three persons.  There is one essence or being and three persons.   Each member of the Trinity is a distinct person who is fully and completely God.  Each person of the Trinity is co-equal and co-eternal.  

Theology should never be done in a sloppy way.  The doctrine of the Trinity is foundational to Christianity.  Christians and especially Christian leaders should take great care to get things precise and right because theology matters. 

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