Friday, October 22, 2021

Does God Woo People To Salvation? (John 6:44)

 Many modern evangelicals say that God is simply wooing all people, trying to save them.  This is how they interpret John 6:44.  But is this view actually correct?   

(John 6:44)"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.  And I will raise him up on the last day."  (ESV) 

Modern evangelicals under the influence of Arminian theology say the word "draw" in this verse means to woo.  The Greek word (elko) actually means to compel.  This same Greek word is even translated as drag in Acts 16:19 and James 2:6.  

"No one can come to me" means that no one is able to come to Christ, a person does not will or desire to come to him.  God the Father must draw him to Christ.  God has to give a person the will to believe.  All those that the Father draws to Christ will be raised on the last day to eternal life (see John 6:40).  

Since all that the Father draws are raised to eternal life, it cannot be that God is drawing or wooing all people.  If that were the case you would have universalism (all people would be saved).  Instead God draws all those he has chosen, that is the elect, and they will be raised up to eternal life. 

(John 6:37)"All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out." (ESV) 

All that the Father has chosen will respond with faith in Christ alone for salvation.  It is plain that God is sovereign even in salvation.  It is the work of God alone, not the work of man.  The final determiner of a person's salvation is God and not man.  To God alone be the glory.  

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