Skeptics sometimes pose this question to Christians in order to try to disprove the existence of God who is omnipotent (all powerful). If the Christian answers no then the skeptic says there is something God cannot do. If the Christian answers yes then the skeptic also says there is something God cannot do.
First of all this question does not take into account God as a whole. It tries to isolate one characteristic of God from all his other characteristics. God is omnipotent but he is also good, righteous, just, holy, and immutable (does not change). God can do anything he desires to do. He does not desire to violate his own character.
Of course this question also violates logic and reason. Logic and reason come from the mind of God. God does not contradict his own self. God cannot cease to be God. The skeptic's question is basically saying that if God cannot cease to be God, then it proves that he does not exist. Of course this is just nonsense and absurdity. And this is what the skeptic is left with when he rejects the Christian God.