Friday, February 11, 2022

Psalm 14:1 And Unbelievers

(Psalm 14:1)"The fool says in his heart, There is no God.  They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good."  (ESV) 

The term fool in this verse denotes moral foolishness, not a lack of intellectual ability.  The unbeliever says in his heart that God does not exist or that God exists but he is not relevant.  He believes he will not be held accountable by God or face his judgment.  From this kind of thinking flows corruption, abominable deeds, and not doing good.  

The unbeliever is suppressing the truth about God.  He is worshiping the creature rather than the creator.  He is pretending to be his own god.  The unbeliever tries to operate independently of God and his Word.  He seeks to be a law unto himself.  This is sometimes referred to as the autonomous self.  

When the unbeliever rejects God and his Word as the foundation of his thought and his life he becomes corrupt, foolish, and absurd.  Claiming to be wise he has become a fool.  The unbeliever needs to turn from his foolishness and sinfulness and turn to Christ in whom are true wisdom and knowledge.   

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