Friday, May 6, 2022

Overturn Roe vs Wade?

 Pro abortion forces have been outraged by a leak from the Supreme Court suggesting that Roe vs Wade might possibly be overturned.  If it was overturned then the issue would go back to the states, where it belongs.  Roe vs Wade was a terrible constitutional decision because the U.S. Constitution does not even mention abortion.  

The abortion debate is often framed with faulty reasoning.  We are told that men have no right to tell women what they can do with their own bodies.  Yet Roe vs Wade was decided by Supreme Court justices who were all men.  Based on this reasoning the pro abortion camp would have to favor overturning Roe vs Wade because it was decided by men.  

Some from the state of New York have proclaimed it as a safe place for women seeking an abortion.  Of course if you are an unborn child New York will not be a safe place for you.  Often one side in the debate is portrayed as being in favor of abortion rights or reproductive rights.  Therefore the other side is portrayed as being against someone else's rights instead of being opposed to abortion because it is murder.  We are also told that a woman has the right to control her own body.  But in reality we are actually being told that a woman has the right to take the life of her unborn baby.  

All human beings are created in the image of God including unborn babies.  Abortion is the murder of an unborn baby created in the image of God.  Those who favor abortion are suppressing the truth and rebelling against God.  Abortion is not a right, it is a sin.  

(Exodus 20:13)"You shall not murder." (ESV) 

See also- Psalm 139:13-16, Jeremiah 1:5, Luke 1:39-45. 

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