Thursday, December 20, 2012

Big Government In The U.S.A

The United States is now over 16 trillion dollars in debt and running annual budget deficits of over 1 trillion a year.  Democrats think the problem is that we are not getting enough in revenue (you know taxes).  Some Republicans are also ready to compromise and raise taxes, even though promised spending cuts never seem to happen. 

Some even think the massive debt is no real problem, but it is a major problem.  If serious action is not taken there will be a collapse in the economy.  Massive spending cuts and entitlement reforms are needed.  Of course we have now added Obamacare to all of this and have only made the problem worse.  We would have been better off if the government had never gotten involved in retirement and health care programs to begin with.  But the government is involved in all kinds of areas it has no business being involved in. 

Too often politicians see their main concern as getting reelected.  And the easiest way to get elected is to promise people you will give them things.  Much of the country has become dependent on the government and this is very difficult to change.  The culture of entitlement must come to an end.  Our culture must recover concepts such as responsibility, self denial, and self sacrifice.  Politicians should put the good of the country above their own political careers.  But there will have to be a dramatic change in the culture before there will be real change in the government and the country. 

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