Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Bible Is The Answer

The Bible is the Word of God, it is his revelation to us.  The Bible is both infallible and inerrant.  Infallible means it cannot be wrong and inerrant means it is without error.  The Bible gives us the truth and reality, though it is not politically correct in our modern society. 

The Bible tells us who God is, in it he reveals himself to us.  In it we discover God as the creator of all things.  We also find him revealed to us in the Trinity (Father,Son,and Holy Spirit). God is three persons of one essence.  He is transcendent as well as immanent.  This means that he transcends us and is far from us while he is also close to us and involved in our world.  We also find that God is holy and wrathful, while also being loving and merciful. 

In the Bible we also find out who man really is.  He was created in the image of God, therefore of great value, but he is also fallen and sinful, therefore he has become tainted and not in the same state he was created in.  The Bible tells us the real problem humans actually have.  The real problem we have is sin, we have all rebelled against our Creator.  This has brought about death to us both physical and spiritual.  Our sinning and rebelling against God has brought about all the problems of the world. 

The Bible also provides the solution to our problem.  It tells us of our need for salvation and where to find it.  God sent his Son, Jesus to die on the cross to save his people from there sins.  He also raised him from the dead vindicating his sacrifice as acceptable.  Through his death and resurrection Jesus was victorious over sin and death.  To receive salvation people must repent and place their faith in Christ alone.  They must believe that he is the Christ or Messiah and the Son of God.  Eventually the earth and all creation will be restored with a new heaven and new earth.  This will be only for those who have become Christians.  In the new heaven and new earth there will be no more sin,suffering,pain, or death and it will be perfect there. 

The problem of modern people and society is that they have rejected God and his Word.  Most people in the United States are Biblically illiterate, they have little knowledge of what it actually says.  There is even great ignorance of the Bible's teaching in the modern church.  There is also a tendency to water down what it teaches so as not to offend people.   We will not find the ultimate answer from government, politicians, positive thinkers, psychologists, or false religions.  The only hope for individuals and our society is to turn to the Bible.  In it we find the truth, what is right and wrong.  It also provides us the basis for truth, right, and wrong, God himself.  Christians must proclaim and defend the truth of the Bible even if it is unpopular in our modern culture. 

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