Thursday, January 3, 2013

Atheism And Morality

Atheism has become popular and cool in our modern society.  But does it have any basis for morality?  In atheism there is no outside standard or greater authority than ourselves.  Everything becomes simply a matter of opinion and moral relativism takes hold in society.  We here, who are you to judge whenever anyone says something is right or wrong.  No one can make a truth claim because there is ultimately no truth.  In atheism each individual tries to become his own god (it is kind of ironic). 

But most atheist do live with some kind of moral standards.  When the atheist lives with a set of moral standards he is being inconsistent.  An atheist also has no basis for love or human dignity.  If humans are not created in the image of God then there is no basis for humans to be valued or loved.  In order to have moral standards the atheist must borrow from a Biblical worldview and live inconsistently. 

The atheist also has the problem of evil.  He cannot explain evil and he has no basis to categorize good and evil.  Atheism cannot consistently say that anything is wrong.  To be consistent it would have to remain neutral on things such as murder.  The atheist has no consistent way to stand against anything.  Once again the atheist must borrow from a Biblical worldview.

So why do some people choose atheism?  It is because they do not want to submit to God.  They do not like his authority and morality imposed on them.  They want to be their own god and do whatever they want. 

Are there any true atheists?  I think all people actually have a sense of the divine down deep inside.  They suppress the truth because of unrighteousness.  It is actually because of God's moral standards that they embrace atheism.   There is undeniable evidence for the existence of God in  creation itself.  People are without excuse in denying God because it should be plain to everyone. 

Is it reasonable to believe that creation just happened?  Could something just come from nothing?  Could complex humans just appear and evolve with no Creator or intelligent design?  No, it is only reasonable to believe that God exists and that he created us. 

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