Monday, January 7, 2013

Liberals, Progressives, Secularists, And Socialists

Liberals, progressives, secularists, and socialists are now in control of American society and culture.  They control the government, the news media, the education system, and pop culture.  Their great enemies are capitalism, traditional America, and Biblical Christianity. 

Big government has become entrenched and socialism in now being embraced by many in our society.  Government is now involved in retirement, health care, welfare, and many other things.  Government elites know best and they think they should have our money to redistribute as they see fit.  Because you see your money actually belongs to the government (apparently the worker does not deserve his wages).  The ultimate goal of progressives is to replace capitalism with socialism.  But capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than socialism ever will. 

Secularists seek to eliminate the Biblical foundation of our country as well.  They want to get rid of the Christian influence in our country and replace it with secular values.  Currently there is a major push for the acceptance and normalization of homosexuality.  They seek to redefine marriage as no longer just between one man and one woman.  But where does the redefinition stop?  If marriage is not defined by God and is just defined by people then things such as polygamy would also have to be allowed.  Seeing our society come to this point shows us how morally insane we have become. 

Secular liberals obviously control pop culture.  Just watch movies, television, or listen to popular music and it will be apparent to you.  Immorality, profanity, violence, and rebellion against God are promoted by the pop culture.  Also it tends to focus on the foolish and the trivial instead of the serious and meaningful. 

Secular liberals also control the news media and education.  There you will find Christianity and conservatism presented as foolish and extreme.  While secularism and liberalism are promoted and seen as rational and normal. 

But secularism and socialism will lead our country to destruction.  It will eventually collapse because we have set ourselves against God and that leads to his judgement.  Christians must stand for Biblical truth and freedom and hope our country repents and turns to God. 

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