Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Obama's Progressive Ideas

President Obama and the Democrats are proposing more spending by the government.  Because you see the U.S. government does not have a spending problem.  The problem is simply that the government is not taking enough money from the American people.  It is not called tax and spend but revenue and investment.  It all sounds so good when you hear it.  

Our country is spending over 1 trillion dollars more than it takes in annually but there is no spending problem.  We just need to tax the rich more so we can pay for all these things.  Democrats feel it is necessary to punish successful people.  It is just not fair that some people have more than others.  They continually practice class warfare and use Marxist rhetoric.  But in reality the worker deserves his wages.  

Another proposal by President Obama and leading Democrats is an increase in the minimum wage to $9.  Why don't we raise it to $20 or $50?  And why not allow the government to set a maximum wage as well.  Raising the minimum wage sounds so good but it is not as wonderful as it seems.  It will cause more unemployment and will raise costs for consumers.  It distorts the market system and causes many problems. 

The minimum wage idea actually comes from socialism.  Government welfare, entitlements, income transfer, the progressive tax system, and the minimum wage are all socialist concepts.  Yet all these things are seen as normal in modern America.  It is sad how socialism has become accepted and normal in our country and the western world.  Socialism is actually the government as god philosophy, and that is idolatry. Eventually this system will collapse.

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