Thursday, February 14, 2013

Who's Afraid Of A Big Bad Calvinist?

In recent times there has been a resurgence of what is known as Calvinism or Reformed Theology.  It has caused great controversy across evangelicalism including the Southern Baptist Convention.  Some think it is a great threat and one of the worst things we have to fear.  Some claim it was invented by John Calvin and of course Calvin was a monster.  They also believe that Calvinism destroys evangelism and denies that man has responsibility for himself and his choices. 

But is all this true?  First of all it gets it's name from John Calvin but it was not invented by him.  What is believed by Calvinists has been believed throughout church history by many Christians.  And by the way John Calvin was not a monster, he was one of the greatest theologians in church history.  Reformed theology does not destroy evangelism either.  All mainstream Calvinists believe in evangelism.  And while Calvinist hold to the absolute sovereignty of God, they also believe man is responsible for his actions. 

So lets take a look at what Calvinism or Reformed theology actually is.  We will look at what is called the five points of Calvinism or the "Doctrines of Grace".   We will use the popular acrostic TULIP to do this. 

(T) (Total Depravity) This refers to man being utterly sinful in his entire being.  Man is not as bad as he could possible be, but his entire being is effected by sin.  He is not righteous, his will is enslaved by sin, he is spiritually dead and unable to respond to God. 
(Psalm 51:5, Is. 64:6, Jer. 17:9, Rom. 3:9-12, Eph. 2:1-5)

(U) (Unconditional Election)  This one refers to God choosing or electing some to salvation while passing over others.  It seems unfair to us but fairness would mean everyone would go to hell.  No one deserves salvation and if God did not choose some to be saved no one would ever choose to turn to God for salvation.  Salvation is totally by God's grace. 
(Jn.15:16, Acts 13:48, Rom. 8:28-30, Rom. 9:11-16, Eph. 1:4-5,11-12)

(L) (Limited Atonement)  This one means that Jesus paid the penalty for the sins of his people, the elect, but not all people.  If Jesus paid the penalty for the sins of all people then no one could still face the penalty for their sins, all people would be saved.  Calvinists believe Jesus actually saves his people, he does not just make salvation possible. 
(Mt. 1:21, Mt. 20:28, Jn. 10:11,14-15,24-26, Eph. 5:25-27, 1 Tim. 1:15)

(I) (Irresistible Grace) This one teaches that all who God chooses will come to him.  God changes the will of man and he willing turns to God.  Man is changed from being spiritually dead to being spiritually alive.  No one is dragged kicking and screaming against their will. 
(Is. 65:1, Jn. 1:12-13, Jn. 6:29,37,44,63-66, Rom. 9:15-16, Eph. 2:1-9)

(P) (Perseverance  Of The Saints)  This one teaches that all true Christians are preserved by God and will not fall away.  They do not fall away because salvation is totally the work of God. God is in total control and will not let them fall away.
(Jn. 3:16, Jn. 6:37,39, Jn. 10:27-29, Rom. 8:29-39, 1 Jn. 2;19,25)

Calvinists believe that Scripture alone is authoritative and that to God alone belongs the glory.  Salvation is by God's grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone. 

Here are some notable modern day Calvinists:
Albert Mohler           Timothy Keller 
John MacArthur          David Platt
John Piper              Matt Chandler
Wayne Grudem            Mark Driscoll
R.C. Sproul
Michael Horton

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