Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bill O'Reilly And The Bible

Bill O'Reilly has informed us that the Bible is an allegory (which means that it cannot be taken literally, it is just symbolic).  He has told us that Adam and Eve were not real people and that the creation account is not literally true.  He has also told us that that the book of Jonah does not contain literal events that actually happened.  How does O'Reilly know this?  He says the scientific evidence is irrefutable and that the Genesis creation account and other events in the Bible are not literally true. 

Bill O'Reilly is assuming evolution is true and creationism is not.  I would assume he holds to theistic evolution.  After all he claims to be a Christian.  But the theory of evolution and Christianity are at odds with each other and cannot be reconciled.  O'Reilly and other theistic evolutionists hold inconsistent positions.  Bill seems to be accepting atheistic naturalism (no God, no miracles, no spiritual world, this world is all there is).  Of course naturalism is the foundation for the belief in evolution.  O'Reilly seems to be compromising with the secular progressives he warns others about.  The O'Reilly position is nothing more than theological liberalism, which is not Christianity at all. 

Bill O'Reilly believes the creation account is not literally true but an allegory.  But any straight forward reading of the text shows us that it is meant to be taken literally.  The rest of the Bible assumes the literal creation account of Genesis.  It is also the foundation of the rest of the Bible.  When Bill assumes Adam was not a real person he puts himself in opposition to the New Testament writers and ends up denying the doctrine of original sin.  It teaches us that sin entered the world through Adam.  And that death came about because of sin (Romans 5:12-21, 1 Corinthians 15:21-22).  On the other hand evolution holds that death came about before man ever existed.  The Bible and evolution are clearly at odds with each other.

Bill also says the account of Jonah is not literally true.  But Jesus himself referred to Jonah as a real person and the events in the Book of Jonah as real events (Matthew 12:38-41).  So who do we go with, Bill O'Reilly or Jesus?  Bill seems to assume scientists who hold to atheistic naturalism are infallible, though not all scientists hold to naturalism.  He should wise up and see that the Bible is infallible because it is the literal word of God.  I know Bill would call me judgemental, but I'm just looking out for him.   

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