Tuesday, March 12, 2013

God Is God And We Are Not

God is God and we are not sounds simple but it is actually profound.  It is deep in meaning and it changes everything.  It changes our life and our worldview.  There are major implications for everyone.  In fact this statement may be lesson number one in life.  If you do not get this right, then ultimately you will not get anything else right. 

But we do not want to accept that God is God and we are not.  We want to be God ourselves.  We want to be in control, do what we want, and live by our own will.  We refuse to submit to God, his will, and his law.  In modern America there seems to be a hardening of hearts and a rejection of Christ.  We are too in love with ourselves and our own ideas to turn to God and his Word. 

We have all sinned and rebelled against God.  People do not want to be confronted with the reality of their sin.  We must face the reality that God is God, we have sinned against him, and we need forgiveness.  Our only hope is to turn to the Bible to find the truth.  We must repent of our sins and turn to Christ alone for salvation. 

The very creation itself testifies that the God of the Bible is there, this is called general revelation.  The Bible itself tells us specifically what God is like, this is called special revelation.  Here are some characteristics of God: the creator, supreme, sovereign, greatness, holy, infinite (unlimited), transcendent (he is above us and apart from creation), immanent (he is close to us and involved in his creation), personal, loving, and merciful.  The God who is there is also Trinitarian.  He is three persons of one essence (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). 

Those who reject Christ face the wrath of God for eternity in hell.  Jesus paid for the sins of his people through his death on the cross .   He was resurrected victorious over sin and death.  We can only be saved from the coming wrath if we place our faith in Christ alone. 

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