Monday, July 22, 2013

On The Cover Of The Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone magazine has put the picture of the younger Boston Marathon bomber on it's cover.  The magazine cover glamorizes him like a rock star.  But he is a terrorist and murderer.  Rolling Stone actually romanticizes an Islamic jihadist.  Islamists themselves are probably laughing at us and thinking we are incredibly stupid. 

Many people are outraged by this cover even many liberals.  Think of how this makes those who lost loved ones and those who suffered injuries feel.  The magazine says that he was failed by his family.  We are supposed to take a sympathetic view of him and feel sorry for him.  I feel sorry for those people he murdered and injured.  Rolling Stone should be ashamed of itself.  They should rename their magazine Rolling Stain.

In modern America some leftists do seem sympathetic to Islamic jihadists.  This is a strange alliance though, maybe it is because they share common enemies.  They both hate traditional America, capitalism, and the Judeo-Christian heritage. 

Secularists/leftists have trouble defining evil.  Even the most obvious evils seem to allude them.  This happens with the rejection of Biblical revelation.  Rolling Stone is a leftist magazine that rejects Biblical truth. And the rejection of Biblical truth is a rejection of the God who is there.  Rolling Stone regularly makes rock stars and pop culture figures appear as gods.  Now they have even done this with a murderer and terrorist.  With the rejection of the one true God comes a loss of the sense of right and wrong.  Unclear thinking results and the whole world is turned upside down.   

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