Monday, July 8, 2013

The Separation Of Church And State

The 1st amendment of the U.S. Constitution says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"...

We notice that the words separation of church and state are not in the Constitution.  In a certain sense there should be a separation of the church and the state.  Each should operate in it's proper sphere.  The church should not control the government and the government should not control the church. 

But the 1st amendment was written mainly to protect religion from the government.  While it prohibits Congress from establishing a religion, the individual states actually could establish their own religion.  In fact some did have established religions into the 1800's after the Constitution was written.  I do not think an established religion is a good thing but it is still constitutional for the states to do so. 

The 1st amendment also guarantees the free exercise of religion.  This concept seems to be lost on many modern secularists and liberals.  In our modern society secularists/atheists have tried to eliminate religion (that is Christianity) from the public square.  By doing this they are violating the Constitution.  In fact the founders of our country expected there to be a Christian influence on the government. 

The real agenda of secular liberals is to impose their belief system or shall we say religion on the rest of us.  They want to eliminate the Christian influence from our society.  They actually do not like Jesus because he shines light into their darkness. 
Secularists do not want any judgments made about them and their lifestyles.  They wish to remain comfortable in their sin. 

Secular liberals always talk about tolerance but they are only tolerant of those who agree with them.  In reality they are actually intolerant.  Under the guise of tolerance they seek to have secularism/atheism reign in our society. 

But our Constitutional Republic cannot be maintained without it's Biblical foundation.  Freedom requires the existence of virtue among the people.  And virtue can only exist with a Biblical foundation. 

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