Monday, September 9, 2013

It's All About Me

We have become a nation of narcissists and hedonists.  (Narcissism means to have an abnormal self love and hedonism is the worship of pleasure).  We Americans are so in love with ourselves.  It is all about us and nothing else.  The self is the greatest concern and the greatest authority.  We care only about our own ease and convenience.  Self denial and delayed gratification are foreign concepts to many of us. 

We can see narcissism with smart phones, Facebook, and twitter.  Many people are addicted to their cell phones.  They take it with them everywhere they go.  Often they cannot even talk with the people they are around because they are to busy with their smart phones.  We constantly have to text people because what we have to say is so important.  Many also must post everything about them on Facebook.  After all everyone wants to know everything about us.  And of course every thought and every move we make must be put on twitter. 

We can see hedonism in the rampant sexual immorality, greed, love of money, and the party scene in our society.  Our
immoral culture seeks sexual pleasure with whoever and however it wants.  If the self is the ultimate authority then no one can tell you what to do.  Hedonism is also seen in the love of money and things in our society.  If we just accumulate more money and more things we will be so happy.  We just have to get the latest this or the latest that.  You won't have to even pay for it, you can just put it on the credit card.  Many also seek fulfillment in the party lifestyle.  They think they will find salvation in alcohol and drugs. 

All of this results from a society that has rejected God.  People are trying to be their own god.  They are trying to find meaning, purpose, and love without God.  But meaning, purpose, and love are found only in the God who is there.  People are searching in all the wrong places. 

In our obsession with ourselves we have actually lost ourselves.  If you don't know who God is then you don't know who you are.  True happiness and fulfillment are found only in him.  With our loss of restraint we have lost our dignity and respect for ourselves and others.  Immorality, greed, and debauchery are just cheap substitutes for the contentment and joy found in God. 

It is not all about us, it is all about God.  Only when we accept that God is God and we are not will we be able to live our lives correctly. We will no longer try to find our importance in ourselves. We were meant to live of God.

Our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.  The salvation we need is found only in Jesus Christ.  A life not lived for God is a wasted life. 

(Ecclesiastes 12:13) "The end of the matter; all has been heard.  Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." (ESV)

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