Monday, September 23, 2013

Should We Embrace Libertarianism?

There has been a recent surge in the popularity of libertarianism in America.  With the rise of the Tea Party, Ron Paul, and Rand Paul libertarianism has come to the forefront of American politics.  So is this political movement good or bad? 

The libertarian emphasis on limited government is definitely a good thing.  People cannot be trusted with too much power.  A large, intrusive government tends to become a false god also.  The emphasis on our rights and our privacy are also good things.  The stand for freedom of religion and freedom of speech are strong elements of libertarianism as well. 

The libertarian advocacy of free market economics is also to be admired.  Capitalism has done more to lift people out of poverty than any government aid ever has.  We need good fiscal policy.  Low taxes and low spending lead to our staying out of debt.  They also lead to a prosperous economy.  Our monetary policy should be solid too.  We need to have sound money and a limit on the printing of money.  A return to the gold standard and eliminating the Federal Reserve are worth considering. 

So what about foreign policy?  We should have a more restrained foreign policy.  We should also have a wiser use of our military.  The United States cannot be the world's policemen.  Some libertarians are too isolationist but I think we should at least move more in that direction. 

And what about the social issues?  I do not agree with the legalization of drugs, prostitution, and gambling.  With legalization you get more of the activity  and these things are harmful to society.  Also I oppose legalized abortion.  One thing government should do is protect innocent life.  I oppose same sex marriage as well.  Marriage receives it's definition from God who is a much greater authority than the government.  The government has no authority to redefine marriage. 

We should be advocates for liberty but it needs to be an ordered liberty.  Freedom requires virtue and for that we need to have a Biblical worldview in place.  I cannot advocate an Ayn Rand, pure libertarianism.  However I do advocate a conservative libertarianism. 

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