Monday, March 31, 2014

The Gospel According To Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen is a very popular preacher.  He has a large church and millions of television viewers.  But what kind of message do all these people get from him?  What is the gospel according to Joel Osteen? 

Osteen preaches a form of the prosperity gospel, though he doesn't focus on money like many of the prosperity preachers.  The focus is on your happiness, fulfilling your dreams, having good self esteem, and thinking positive.  In Osteen's teaching God exists to make you happy.  Things are turned upside down, the focus is on the person instead of God.  God is presented as your therapist, adviser, and cheerleader.  God is just trying to give you your best life now. There is little focus on eternity with Osteen, his focus is on this present world. 
One reason Joel Osteen is so popular is because he tells people what they want to hear.  His message fits perfectly with our modern culture.  

In the gospel according to Joel Osteen, sin is really no big deal, it is not focused on. God's holiness, judgment, and wrath are rarely mentioned.  In the teaching of Osteen the problem is not that we have offended a holy God because of our sin against him.  The real problem is that we are not thinking positive, being happy, and just feeling good about ourselves.  After all in Osteen's gospel God exists to make you happy.  Joel Osteen uses Christian language but there is little Christian content to it.  

At the end of his broadcasts, Osteen ask people to make Jesus their Lord and Savior. One might wonder after listening to Osteen what there is to be saved from.   Apparently you need to be saved from not thinking positive, and having low self esteem.  Osteen presents Christianity without a cross.  And that is not Christianity at all.  In reality the problem is that we have sinned against a holy God and we face his wrath because of it.  Jesus paid for the sins of those who believe in him on the cross.  He turns away the wrath of God from all who believe in him.  Christ was raised from the dead victorious over sin and death.  People must repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.  

Ironically Osteen advises his television audience to find a Bible teaching church.  If they follow his advise they will have to avoid Osteen's own church.  Joel Osteen may use Christian language but his message has little Christian content.  Osteen preaches a false gospel that leads people astray.  People without Christ are on the road to hell.  But if they listen to Osteen preach they will conclude that there is really nothing to worry about.  Joel Osteen is a false teacher who does not teach the Bible.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Evidence For Jesus, Outside The Bible

Many people may not realize it but there is evidence of Jesus outside of the Bible in non-Christian sources.  Few scholars would suggest that Jesus never existed because the evidence is too great that he did exist.  Three of the most important non-Christian sources are Josephus, Tacitus, and Pliny the Younger.  

Josephus was a first century Jewish historian.  His writings actually mention John the Baptist and the fact that he was killed by Herod Antipas.  Josephus also identifies James as the brother of Jesus.  He mentions that Jesus was called Christ.  He is described as a wise man and a teacher. Josephus states that Jesus won over many Jews and Greeks.  He also reports that Jesus was condemned to be crucified by Pilate.  He says Christians were named after Christ and they were still present when he wrote. 

Another important source is Tacitus, the Roman historian.  He wrote around A.D. 115.  He records that the Emperor Nero (54-68) blamed Christians for the fire in Rome in A.D. 64.   Nero tried to shift the blame from himself onto the Christians.  He mentions that Christians get their name from Christus, that is Christ.  Tacitus says that Jesus was crucified during the reign of Tiberius (14-37) by Pontius Pilate (26-36). He informs us that Christianity had spread to Rome by the 60's.  

A third source is Pliny the Younger.  He was the nephew of Pliny the Elder.  He was governor of Bithynia and wrote to the Emperor Trajan around A.D. 111.  In his letter he mentions that Christians regularly meet together on a fixed day.   He also reports that they worship Christ as God.  

So from non-Christian sources outside of the Bible we have much information about Jesus and his followers.  We know that Jesus was a Jewish teacher and a wise man.  He had a brother named James and he had many followers.  We know he was crucified under Pontius Pilate during the reign of the emperor, Tiberius.  We know that his followers had spread to Rome by A.D. 64,  despite his death by crucifixion.  And we know that Jesus was worshiped as God by his followers. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Bible, Rock n' Roll And Your Soul

Some Key Bible Passages
Exodus 20:3
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Ephesians 4:17-5:21
John 3:16-21
John 8:12
1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Philippians 4:8-9
Romans 12:1-2

Rock n' roll music has been very popular and influential in our modern culture.  But all be not well in the world of Rock.  To many of the fans it is like a religion.  Rock stars are often treated like gods.  Many fans are absolute devotees and some girls even offer their bodies to their gods.  There is definitely a dark side to Rock music.  

AC/DC sang "Hell's Bells" and "Highway to Hell", while Angus Young ran around with devil horns on his head.  Van Halen sang about "Running With The Devil".  Motley Crue had "Shout at the Devil", along with the Satanic symbol on the cover of their album. The Grateful Dead sang "A Friend of the Devil is a Friend of Mine".  Guns n' Roses gave us excessive profanity while Aerosmith gave us excessive immorality.  Marilyn Manson had an album titled "Antichrist Superstar".  Manson even claimed to be a Satanist.  At concerts he would tear pages out of the Bible and say he would not be ruled by Christianity any longer. 

The band Kiss had the song "God of Thunder".  In the song we hear these words, "I command you to kneel before the god of thunder and rock n' roll, the spell your under will slowly rob you of your virgin soul".  In the song "Great Expectations", Gene Simmons sings "you'll even sell me your soul".  Later Kiss would sing the song "Unholy".  Of course the sexual immorality of Kiss is well known.  Kiss member, Paul Stanley has said that he feels like an evangelical preacher spreading the message of rock n' roll.  

The Rolling Stones entitled an album, "Their Satanic Majesties Request".  On the cover Mick Jagger is pictured as a warlock.  Jagger's girlfriend at the time, Marianne Faithful practiced witchcraft (by the way the Hollies song "Carrie Anne" was about her).  John Lennon sang "Imagine", where he imagined there was no heaven, hell, or God. In his song "God", he states I don't believe in God, I just believe in me.  George Harrison sang "My Sweet Lord", a song not about Jesus but about the false Hindu god Krishna.  Unfortunately the later Beatles work was greatly influenced by drugs and Eastern religion.    

Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin has been known to practice black magic (the occult).  In fact the symbols from the "Led Zeppelin IV" album come from black magic.  Black Sabbath had, "We Sold Our Souls For Rock n' Roll".  They too have been involved in black magic.  Even the music of Black Sabbath seems dark.  Band member Ozzy Osbourne has said he hopes he is not inspired by who he thinks he is inspired by (he meant the devil).  Osbourne also sang a song called "Mr. Crowley", it was about Aleister Crowley, a Satanist.  

Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie, and others have all admitted to being influenced by Aleister Crowley.  In fact he even appears on the cover of the Beatles "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band" album (he is the bald guy in the upper left).  

Aleister Crowley was a Satanist/occultist who promoted drug use, sexual perversion, and a new age.  Crowley wanted to see the destruction of the family and Christianity. Timothy Leary, the influential drug guru of the 1960's was a disciple of Aleister Crowley.  Leary encouraged young people to "turn on, tune in, and drop out".  He encouraged people to find spiritual experience through drug use.  Interestingly the Beatles song "Come Together" started as a campaign song for Leary's bid to become governor  of California.  The campaign never happened because Leary got arrested.  Timothy Leary also referred to the Beatles as the four evangelists.  

There are many other groups and artists who are just as bad or worse.  And it does not just apply to Rock music.  Pop music has much immorality and debauchery.  Country music has it's share of immorality, adultery, and drunkenness.  Hip Hop/Rap is full of immorality, profanity, violence, and hatred of women.  

So is all secular music bad?  I do not think that it is all bad, but much of it is.  There is definitely a dark side and it has much evil in it.  It calls for discernment (the ability to distinguish between good and evil).  We must take sin and evil seriously. We must surrender to Jesus who is Lord of all.  If the music dishonors God, why are we listening to it?  

(Psalm 97:10) "O you who love the LORD, hate evil."  (ESV)  

Monday, March 10, 2014

American Christianity

Around 75% of the American people claim to be Christians.  We often hear the United States referred to as a Christian nation.  Yet the nation is very secular and pagan in it's thought and life.  How does a nation that is 75% Christian end up secular and pagan?  Could the reality be that Christians do not make up 75% of the U.S. population?  

What we often get is a sort of cultural Christianity.  Many consider themselves Christians because of the cultural heritage of the country.  It is similar to identifying one's self as an American.  Cultural Christianity produces no change in a person's life and thought.  

Many professing American Christians have little knowledge and understanding of the Bible.  They do not read it and they have no desire for it.  Someone preaching or teaching Biblical Christianity is boring to them.  Many do not view the Bible as the literal, Word of God without error.  They do not see it as infallible in all areas it deals with including science and history.  

Many professing Christians do not see God as holy, sovereign, and a judge we must face.  They deny the existence of absolute truth and the reality of right and wrong.  They also do not take sin seriously as an offense against a holy God.  Many Americans do not believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven.  They believe that all religions are basically the same and that they all lead to the same God.  Many Americans who call themselves Christians believe that salvation it achieved by our own works.  Many also do not believe in the existence of the devil or hell.  All these things are not the marks of true Christians.  

Also the lifestyles of most Americans claiming to be Christians do not match up with Biblical teaching.  Their focus is not on obeying and glorifying God.  They instead live for themselves, in effect trying to be their own god.  They live in rebellion against God with a lifestyle characterized by sinfulness.  They live in immorality, drunkenness, profanity, and greed.  It is not uncommon to find people professing to be Christians and living together outside of marriage.   It is also not uncommon for them to approve of homosexuality.  Many even live the party lifestyle while claiming to be Christians.  Many of the professing Christians of America show their love of money by regularly playing the lottery.  

The entertainment enjoyed by many American Christians is anything but Christian.  What is often viewed on television and in movies is actually anti-Christian.  Television and movies are often immoral, vulgar, profane, and blasphemous.  Some professing Christians even watch trash TV talk shows.  Also many professing Christians listen to music that often has an anti-Christian worldview.  It too if full of immorality, profanity, and blasphemy.  The music listened to by many American Christians is actually dishonoring to God.  These things also are not marks of a true Christian.  

True Christians desire to obey and glorify God.  They have a desire for the Bible because it is the Word of God.  They believe and hold to the teaching of the Bible.  Biblical Christians are also not characterized by sinful living.  They do still commit sins but they practice repentance.  There is an actual struggle against sin, not a mere acceptance of it.  True Christians recognize sin as sin.  True Christians trust in Christ alone for their salvation.  

Could it be that a nation ends up with a secular and pagan worldview because it is made up of secularists and pagans?  In reality most Americans are not true Christians.  Many who profess to be Christians have been lied to and deceived.  Unfortunately many American "Christians" are on the road to hell.  They need to turn to the Bible to get the truth.  I would guess that 10% or less of the American people are actually Christians.  Biblical Christians are definitely a minority. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Why Are There So Many Denominations?

There are many different denominations within Christianity today.  Is this a good or bad thing?  Most people would probably say this is a bad thing, but could it also be a good thing?  There are many cases in which separation amongst Christians should not have happened.  But there are also times when separation is necessary.  Separation should not happen over minor things.  It should occur only over primary doctrinal issues.  

Separation is sometimes necessary though.  The Protestant Reformation would be a great example.  It was necessary for Protestants to separate from the Roman Catholic church. The Catholic church was full of error and corruption.   The Reformation was a recovery of Biblical Christianity.  It restored the doctrine of justification by faith alone.  It also restored the teaching that the Bible alone is authoritative.  While we would desire greater unity among Protestants, the Reformation was definitely a good thing.  

In more recent times separation from theological liberalism has been necessary.  Conservative Protestants should not be united with the theological liberals.  Liberals deny the authority of the Bible, not seeing it as the literal, Word of God.  Liberals deny that Jesus is God, that he performed miracles, that he was resurrected, and that he is the only way to heaven.  Liberalism also ends up denying the sovereignty of God.  Liberalism also accepts things such as evolution and homosexuality. Both of which are contrary to Biblical teaching.  As J. Gresham Machen said liberalism is not Christianity at all.  

The desire for unity is good but it must be unity in the truth.  As Martin Luther said, "unity where possible, truth at all costs." While there is too much division within Protestantism, there is still much more unity than people sometimes think.  In heaven believers will have perfect unity in the truth.