Monday, March 10, 2014

American Christianity

Around 75% of the American people claim to be Christians.  We often hear the United States referred to as a Christian nation.  Yet the nation is very secular and pagan in it's thought and life.  How does a nation that is 75% Christian end up secular and pagan?  Could the reality be that Christians do not make up 75% of the U.S. population?  

What we often get is a sort of cultural Christianity.  Many consider themselves Christians because of the cultural heritage of the country.  It is similar to identifying one's self as an American.  Cultural Christianity produces no change in a person's life and thought.  

Many professing American Christians have little knowledge and understanding of the Bible.  They do not read it and they have no desire for it.  Someone preaching or teaching Biblical Christianity is boring to them.  Many do not view the Bible as the literal, Word of God without error.  They do not see it as infallible in all areas it deals with including science and history.  

Many professing Christians do not see God as holy, sovereign, and a judge we must face.  They deny the existence of absolute truth and the reality of right and wrong.  They also do not take sin seriously as an offense against a holy God.  Many Americans do not believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven.  They believe that all religions are basically the same and that they all lead to the same God.  Many Americans who call themselves Christians believe that salvation it achieved by our own works.  Many also do not believe in the existence of the devil or hell.  All these things are not the marks of true Christians.  

Also the lifestyles of most Americans claiming to be Christians do not match up with Biblical teaching.  Their focus is not on obeying and glorifying God.  They instead live for themselves, in effect trying to be their own god.  They live in rebellion against God with a lifestyle characterized by sinfulness.  They live in immorality, drunkenness, profanity, and greed.  It is not uncommon to find people professing to be Christians and living together outside of marriage.   It is also not uncommon for them to approve of homosexuality.  Many even live the party lifestyle while claiming to be Christians.  Many of the professing Christians of America show their love of money by regularly playing the lottery.  

The entertainment enjoyed by many American Christians is anything but Christian.  What is often viewed on television and in movies is actually anti-Christian.  Television and movies are often immoral, vulgar, profane, and blasphemous.  Some professing Christians even watch trash TV talk shows.  Also many professing Christians listen to music that often has an anti-Christian worldview.  It too if full of immorality, profanity, and blasphemy.  The music listened to by many American Christians is actually dishonoring to God.  These things also are not marks of a true Christian.  

True Christians desire to obey and glorify God.  They have a desire for the Bible because it is the Word of God.  They believe and hold to the teaching of the Bible.  Biblical Christians are also not characterized by sinful living.  They do still commit sins but they practice repentance.  There is an actual struggle against sin, not a mere acceptance of it.  True Christians recognize sin as sin.  True Christians trust in Christ alone for their salvation.  

Could it be that a nation ends up with a secular and pagan worldview because it is made up of secularists and pagans?  In reality most Americans are not true Christians.  Many who profess to be Christians have been lied to and deceived.  Unfortunately many American "Christians" are on the road to hell.  They need to turn to the Bible to get the truth.  I would guess that 10% or less of the American people are actually Christians.  Biblical Christians are definitely a minority. 

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