Monday, March 31, 2014

The Gospel According To Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen is a very popular preacher.  He has a large church and millions of television viewers.  But what kind of message do all these people get from him?  What is the gospel according to Joel Osteen? 

Osteen preaches a form of the prosperity gospel, though he doesn't focus on money like many of the prosperity preachers.  The focus is on your happiness, fulfilling your dreams, having good self esteem, and thinking positive.  In Osteen's teaching God exists to make you happy.  Things are turned upside down, the focus is on the person instead of God.  God is presented as your therapist, adviser, and cheerleader.  God is just trying to give you your best life now. There is little focus on eternity with Osteen, his focus is on this present world. 
One reason Joel Osteen is so popular is because he tells people what they want to hear.  His message fits perfectly with our modern culture.  

In the gospel according to Joel Osteen, sin is really no big deal, it is not focused on. God's holiness, judgment, and wrath are rarely mentioned.  In the teaching of Osteen the problem is not that we have offended a holy God because of our sin against him.  The real problem is that we are not thinking positive, being happy, and just feeling good about ourselves.  After all in Osteen's gospel God exists to make you happy.  Joel Osteen uses Christian language but there is little Christian content to it.  

At the end of his broadcasts, Osteen ask people to make Jesus their Lord and Savior. One might wonder after listening to Osteen what there is to be saved from.   Apparently you need to be saved from not thinking positive, and having low self esteem.  Osteen presents Christianity without a cross.  And that is not Christianity at all.  In reality the problem is that we have sinned against a holy God and we face his wrath because of it.  Jesus paid for the sins of those who believe in him on the cross.  He turns away the wrath of God from all who believe in him.  Christ was raised from the dead victorious over sin and death.  People must repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.  

Ironically Osteen advises his television audience to find a Bible teaching church.  If they follow his advise they will have to avoid Osteen's own church.  Joel Osteen may use Christian language but his message has little Christian content.  Osteen preaches a false gospel that leads people astray.  People without Christ are on the road to hell.  But if they listen to Osteen preach they will conclude that there is really nothing to worry about.  Joel Osteen is a false teacher who does not teach the Bible.

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