Monday, April 21, 2014

After Easter

Many people attended church on Easter Sunday.  For many of those it will be the only time of the year that they actually attend church services.  Do those people think they can earn God's favor by making an appearance at church?  Maybe they heard the gospel and realize that they cannot earn God's favor.  Maybe they came to see that salvation is by God's grace.

Hopefully at least a large portion of the people actually heard the true gospel and Biblical teaching.  Unfortunately in the modern church Biblical teaching is in short supply.  And in many cases we are ashamed of the gospel.  

Also the lives of many professing Christians do not match what they profess to believe.  There life and thought are no different from than that of unbelievers.  Studies show that most professing Christians have little knowledge and understanding of the Bible.  What a sad state the modern church is in! 

Oh that we would recover a love for the Word of God.  If we could only recover true devotion to Christ.  The name Christian needs to have its true meaning restored.   If only the world could see Christians who are true followers of Jesus.  Biblical Christianity must be restored.  This is what unbelievers need to see and hear.  

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