Monday, April 14, 2014

Resurrection Day

Our modern Easter celebration includes things such as the Easter Bunny, egg hunts, and chocolate candy, even chocolate crosses.  A chocolate cross seems to be a gross trivialization of the cross of Christ.  After all the cross was an instrument of torture and execution.  It also takes away the profound theological implications of the cross of Christ.  
Many churches will have egg hunts and many Christians will focus on the Easter Bunny and the secular celebration.  This focus is all wrong because it takes the focus off of Christ.  We must move away from the Easter celebration and move to the celebration of Resurrection Day.  

After all Christianity hinges on the resurrection of Christ.  If there is no resurrection then there is no Christianity  (1 Corinthians 15).  The problem we all have is sin.  Because we have sinned against a holy God by breaking his law we now face his wrath and eternity in hell.  We have no true righteousness of our own.  But Jesus lived a perfect life without sin in order to be our perfect substitute.  He died on the cross to pay for the sins of his people.  His death was  a propitiation for our sins.  In other words Christ's work on the cross turns away the wrath of God from us.  Jesus was then raised bodily from the dead, not just spiritually as some liberal scholars would have us believe.  But Jesus was raised from the dead bodily, victorious over sin, death, and the devil.  The resurrection is also proof that Jesus is God.  

All people must repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.  Jesus is the only way to heaven.  The sins of believers are placed on Jesus, while his righteousness is counted as ours. 

So is it reasonable to believe in the resurrection of Christ?  The evidence for the existence of God is overwhelming.  So if God exists and he can create out of nothing, surely he could raise his Son from the dead. Also there were over 500 witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.  It is not likely all these people would be delusional.  The opponents of Christianity only had to produce the body of Jesus to disprove it.  But they never did because they could not produce it.  The disciples were changed by the resurrection of Christ and they proclaimed it boldly.  Many of them even died for their faith in Jesus.  People don't usually die for something they know not to be true.  The logical conclusion is that Jesus was raised from the dead.  Jesus is indeed the Messiah, the Son of God.   

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