Sunday, June 15, 2014

Who Will Come To Jesus? (Part 1)

(John 6:37) "All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out."  (ESV) 

Jesus states in this verse that all the Father gives him will come to him.  In other words those chosen by God the Father will receive salvation in God the Son.  This contradicts much of the teaching in the modern church which puts the choice ultimately in the hands of man.  We are often taught that the person's decision is the ultimate determiner of salvation.  

But this verse emphasizes the sovereignty of God in salvation.  God chooses those who will be saved, he has predestined them for salvation (see Ephesians 1).  All those who are chosen by God will respond with repentance and faith in Christ.  God is not trying to save all people and then failing, unable to bring all to salvation.  God does not fail to accomplish his purpose.  His absolute sovereignty guarantees his purpose will be accomplished.  All those who are chosen by God will be saved.  

Also those who are chosen by God will never lose their salvation.  The perseverance of the saints is also guaranteed because of the absolute sovereignty of God.  God preserves them so they can never lose their salvation. If salvation was dependent on the decision of the person then one could lose his salvation.  Believers can be sure of their salvation because it is the work of God.  

While God is absolutely sovereign in all things including salvation, people still have personal responsibility.  People must respond in repentance and faith in Christ.  They must believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.  The sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man cannot be reconciled by the human mind.  Both are true despite seeming to be contradictory.    

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